10 golden rules for watering plants during the summer months

During the summer months, plants need a lot of water to survive the high temperatures. However, many of us make the mistake of thinking that watering plants and flowers in unlimited quantities helps protect against the heat. To clarify doubts about when and how much water your plants need, we reveal 10 golden rules for watering flowers during the summer months.

10 golden rules for watering plants during the summer months

Rule no. 1 – Determine the measure for watering the plants

The development of most plants depends on percentage of uniform humidity. However, often as soon as we see that the soil around the plant is not moist enough, we add more water. It is necessary to leave the land to dry enough and only then add water. Slightly drying the soil will have a better effect to faster root growth than constant watering.

You must plant these plants together, they work perfectly together in the garden

Rule no. 2 – Water less frequently or more thoroughly

Water your plants once up to twice a week. That will be enough to refresh the plants, provide them with moisture. It is better to water the flowers less often, but with a larger amount of waterbut with a little water, and often.

Watering plants throughout the yearWatering plants throughout the year

Rule no. 3 – Watering plants in a certain part of the day

Although some already know it, it is necessary to emphasize that it is plants are best watered during the late evening or early morning hours. Considering that the water is cold and the soil is warm, if you still decide that it is better to water the plants at the highest temperature, remember that all the water will evaporate much faster and that the plants will quickly run out of moisture. Also, if you water them in the evening, they will be supplied with water and will be ready to wait for the new day.

Rule no. 4 – Let the leaves stay dry

Wet leaves become diseased leaves very quickly. If you moisten them and leave them overnight, you will create a suitable ground for the formation of fungi. On the other hand, if water remains on the leaves during the day, it will form in those places sunburn.

Rule no. 5 – Determine the amount of water

An adequate amount of water for watering implies that she it must also reach the roots. Too little water often only covers the upper layer of the earth and doesn’t go deep. Sufficient amount of water also means yes soil moisture will be evenly distributed while fruits, in the case of vegetables and fruits, do not be ready for picking.

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Rule no. 6 – Water a little more frequently

Water needs time to penetrate into the ground. Instead of letting your flower pots overflow, or putting so much water around your tomato waist that it starts to swell, it’s best to you add water in parts. So, be patient and water your plants several times.

Watering plantsWatering plants

Rule no. 7 – Water the plant from all sides

If you water the plants only in one part, and neglect the other, it brings faster growth root development and growth only from that side, and therefore to the weaker one absorption of nutrients from the land. In order for them to develop properly and equally, it is important to water them from all sides evenly.

Rule no. 8 – Do not neglect them

During the holidays, we always worry about who to give let’s take care of it about our plants. Now you don’t have to worry about that because you can arrange the plants in the tub and pour a little water to keep them moist. Even if you have a sunny window in the bathroom over whose light will reach them, it is an ideal solution. However, if you have more plantsit is best to assign a relative or neighbor to take care of them while you are on vacation.

watering potted plantswatering potted plants

Regulation no. 9 – Obezbedite protok air do korena

If you put too much water around your plants, this will reduce air flow to the plant roots. Cells in the root will “suffocate” without oxygen.

Rule no. 10 – Clay retains moisture longer

Plant your plants in the soil where there is clay. Clay is known to retains moisture in the soil longer. During hot summer days, it will retain moisture longer and you won’t have to worry what condition your plants are in.

See more about watering plants during the summer months in this video:

Source: www.agromedia.rs