10-year-old boy dies when hit at level crossing, tragedy in Nola

Drama in Nola, 10 year old boy hit and killed by a car at a level crossing: he ended up with his head under the wheel, help was useless.

Tragedy in Nola, a populous center in the province of Naples: a 10-year-old boy died, hit by a car on a level crossing. This is the news Umberto de Gregoriothe president of Eav, Ente Autonomo Volturno, the Circumvesuviana transport company: «This afternoon, according to initial reconstructions, a car passed by accelerating as soon as the barriers began to lower. Then after passing the level crossing – says de Gregorio – the car hit a child on the other side of the road. The child ended up with his head under the wheel. The driver of the car was a woman who loaded the child into her car in a desperate attempt to save him but unfortunately there was nothing to be done. The images from the cameras are being examined by the authorities. A tragedy, there are no words.”

De Gregorio then comments on the situation of level crossings in Italy: «There are many fatal accidents on level crossings in Italy. RFI (the Italian railway network, ed.) is aiming for the total elimination of crossings on its network. Even EAV in its small way eliminates them when possible. It is not a choice but an obligation for railway safety regulations.”

Source: www.fanpage.it