14 Badminton Association Directors Call for Chairman Kim Taek-gyu’s Resignation, “Great Harm” :: Sympathetic Media Newsis ::

“The board of directors who overlooked the situation also feel responsible”

(Seoul = Newsis) Reporter Kim Seon-woong = Regarding the issue raised by Olympic badminton women’s singles gold medalist Ahn Se-young, the Korea Badminton Association will hold its own fact-finding committee on the 16th at a private time and place. The association said, “The fact-finding committee will investigate the national team’s player injury management, international competition participation system, national team player training system, management regulations, etc., and seek ways to improve the system and develop badminton.” Ahn Se-young is seen in the lobby of the Olympic Hall in Songpa-gu, Seoul, where the Korea Badminton Association is located on the 16th. (Multiple exposure shooting) 2024.08.16. (email protected)

(Seoul = Newsis) Reporter Ahn Kyung-nam = The board of directors of the Korea Badminton Association has called for the resignation of Kim Taek-gyu, the president of the association.

The 14 association directors stated in a statement on the 22nd, “Chairman Kim is in a position of great responsibility and is causing great harm not only to the parties involved but also to the association and Korean badminton as a whole through his accumulated mistakes.”

He continued, “Since the Paris Olympics, the situation of Korean badminton has been worsening both internally and externally. It has disappointed the people,” and “Even as the situation is heading toward catastrophe, the association president and executive members are not taking responsibility for the situation,” demanding the resignation of Chairman Kim, Executive Director Kim Jong-woong, and Auditor Park Gye-ok.

He also emphasized, “Our board members who turned a blind eye to the situation until it got to this point must also feel responsible. They should have looked into their mistakes, reprimanded them, and corrected themselves, but they failed to do so.”

Previously, four vice-presidents of the association had also demanded the resignation of these three people.

The association’s executive board consists of a total of 40 people, including one president, six vice presidents, one executive director, 30 directors, and two auditors.

Earlier, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism said in an interim briefing on the association’s investigation that regarding Chairman Kim’s ‘payback’ suspicions, “the possibility of embezzlement and breach of trust cannot be ruled out.”

In response, the association responded by saying, “Fraudulently accusing an individual of embezzlement and breach of trust without clear evidence is clear defamation, and we will definitely pursue legal action in the future.”

◎ Sympathetic Media Newsis (email protected)

Source: www.newsis.com