2 proven recipes for perfect sauerkraut!

There are countless recipes and ways to put cabbage in barrels and tubs. All of them have in common that the cabbage is thinned, salted and poured with water. However, you have already tried almost all of them and none of them satisfied what you are looking for in sauerkraut? And you just want sauerkraut that has nice, firm heads until spring? Then you are in the right place because Agromedia shares with you even 2 proven recipes for pickling cabbage that can last the whole winter (if you don’t eat it before the end of the season)!

2 proven recipes for perfect sauerkraut!

Sauerkraut is traditional winter salad on the Serbian table and ingredients used to prepare far and wide famous Serbian winter dishes, such as barns (without meat and with meat – duck, goose, chicken, pork, beef, mutton, leg, minced or dry meat or bones, with or without vegetables, clot or with pasta…) and indispensable sarma.

FIND OUT: The quality of sauerkraut depends on production and storage method

It is precisely because of these delicacies that every household keeps to itself that it is very important to have cabbage during the entire winter season. And many people put it in the freezers at the end of the season, not so much for the reason “that it should not be thrown away”, but because of what it is Sauerkraut sarma loved by many more than any other sarma.

There are countless many recipes and ways of putting cabbage in barrels and tubs. All of them have in common that Cabbage is thinned, salted and poured with water.

Ljiljana Grozdanović, a native of the village of Veliki Krčimir in Zaplan, who lives in the village of Zavidince in Babušnica, has never grown cabbage for the winter herself.

The secret is that the required amount of salt is not related to the amount of cabbage, but to the amount of water that is poured over it.

Since high school days I wrote down all my mother’s recipes and for 20 years, since I got married, I put all the other winter vegetables myself, both salty and sweet, except cabbage“, says Ljiljana.

Pickling cabbage according to some tacit agreement, it remained my mother-in-law’s obligation, but since we live in a joint household, it is understood that in some way I participate in that business. I think that the recipe according to which cabbage is placed in our house is the best, which is proven by the fact that keep cabbage during the summer. The secret is that the required amount of salt is not related to the amount of cabbage, but to the amount of water that is poured over it.

Olivera Karan from Belgrade puts cabbage according to the recipe of his grandmother, Šumadinkawhich is slightly different from the standard recipe.

Mi we arrange the cabbage in the usual way“, explains Olivera. “Then put salt in a larger pot, pour hot water and wait for the salt to dissolve so we pour it all into the tub, adding more plain water to the top. We usually add two less cleaned ones beet heads which are cut into quarters, cover with a thin cotton cloth i put a thin porcelain shallow plate over it. We used to put a stone over it, and now I put it larger closed a jar filled with waterit is approximately 1.5 liters.“


We do not pour the brinebut at the beginning, until the brine begins to ripen, every second or third day we open the barrel and take out a stone or a jar we press against that plate to shake the liquid in the barrel. I wash the jar and cloth every timeI take off the flower that has accumulated. Pickled cabbage like this until June is as if it was placed yesterday.

According to some recipes, cabbage heads are added between the rows a layer of grated cabbage or coarsely chopped cabbageand modern housewives invented caka – fill plastic bags with grated cheesetie them so that the contents do not spill and pierce them in several places so that the cabbage is pickled.

This time, Agromedia agricultural portal proposes to you two recipe for pickling cabbage for the winter!

Sauerkraut – a kilogram of salt per 30 kg of cabbage

According to this recipe, cabbage is traditionally pickled in many pyrot households.

In addition to cabbage, you need:

  • A kilogram of salt per 30 kg of cabbage
  • Thicker cotton cloth
  • Stones or weights, volume 1.5l

Preparation of sauerkraut:

  • Wash the heads of cabbage cleaned of the surface layer of leaves, cut a cross at the root and arrange them in a barrel.
  • Cut several heads of cabbage into quarters and halves and push them between the whole heads so that they get stuck, that is, they stand firmly.
  • Pour water two fingers above the cabbage.
  • Place a wooden or plastic press over the cabbage.
  • Place a stone or a jar full of water over the presser.
  • Spread the cloth and put the necessary amount of salt on it, roll it up and place it next to the stone.
  • The salt will slowly dissolve and fall to the bottom, so it is not necessary to transfer the brine.
  • Close the barrel and occasionally control the amount of water for several days. Add water as needed, so that the heads of cabbage are not out of the water. In doing so, rinse the stone, and if a jar is used, it must be washed from the outside.

Sauerkraut – 1.6 kg of salt per 40 liters of water

And this is one of those recipes that guarantees that cabbage remains firm until next summer.

In addition to cabbage, it is necessary:

  • 1.6kg of salt per 40l of water
  • Thin cotton cloth
  • Stones or weights, volume 1.5l

Pickling cabbage:

  • Washed and cleaned heads of cabbage, on the root of which a cross has been cut or an indentation has been made with a knife, put in barrels.
  • Pour salt into a large container, pour hot water over it and wait for it to dissolve.
  • Pour water with salt over the cabbage and add fresh water as needed.
  • Cover with a thin cotton cloth.
  • Put a press and a stone or a jar over the cabbage and close the barrel.
  • At the beginning, add water periodically, if necessary.
  • If necessary, add water. Press from time to time (for two to three days) and then rinse the stone and cloth, and if you use a jar, it must be rinsed from the outside.

Now you have two great recipes for pickling cabbage! All that remains is for you to try them, see which one suits you better and let us know how quickly it disappeared from the tub or barrel. Pleasant!

Ljiljana Grozdanović, village of Zavidince
Olivera Karan, Belgrade

Source: www.agromedia.rs