25-year-old man arrested on suspicion of setting a forest fire in Gondomar

A 25-year-old young man was arrested on suspicion of being the author of a forest fire, which occurred on September 16, in the town of São Pedro da Cova, municipality of Gondomar.

In a statement, the PJ clarifies that the suspect had caused the fire using a direct flame, not giving any reason for the act carried out, at a time when the risk of forest fire was at its highest level.

According to the Judiciary Police, the fire “consumed an area of ​​more than five hectares of forest and bush, creating danger for a forest area covering hundreds of hectares, as well as for numerous homes and industrial and commercial buildings on the outskirts”.

The detainee, without a criminal record, residing in the area, will be present for the first judicial interrogation to apply coercive measures.

Source: rr.sapo.pt