3 operations that are best avoided abroad

The temptation to have surgery abroad is often strong due to attractive prices and reduced waiting times. However, not all operations are necessarily suitable for this adventure. Some surgical procedures are too risky to perform outside one’s home country, whether because of variable standards of care, difficult post-operative follow-up or unpredictable complications.

For Jeremy Delattre, co-founder and director of the Klineva hair transplant clinic in Turkey, it is better to prioritize the quality and safety of care, even if it involves additional costs or delays. It is essential to carefully assess the specific risks of each type of operation. Here are the ones for which, according to him, it is better to stay in your home country.


When you think about dental surgery, you have to think about follow-up over time. Some orthodontic procedures require regular check-ups that will require a lot of back-and-forth for patients. This is not very interesting.”says Jérémy Delattre.

Within his clinic specializing in hair transplants, he is setting up a dental care service following demand from patients. But these will be interventions such as implants, scaling, crowns and dental veneers. “, which do not require long-term on-site monitoring.

Operations with psychological monitoring

For hospitalizations that are associated with psychological monitoring, the specialist also recommends avoiding going abroad. This is my personal opinion, but for a sex change operation, for example, follow-up is essential, and having to do it in a foreign language complicates the situation. “The only option he would consider in this case would be to perform the procedure in a foreign country, and follow-up in the country of origin.

Major and invasive surgery

Heart surgery, complex surgery, spinal surgery, organ transplant, bariatric surgery… It is important to be aware that major and invasive surgery requires a longer stay. If these operations take place abroad, it is necessary to be able to plan for the necessary follow-up and monitoring time. “, explains Jérémy Delattre. “ For a hair transplant or some dental work, the patient is back on his feet in a few days. But for the rest, it is better to be well informed. »

When operations are delicate because they affect the central nervous system, a bad gesture can have very serious consequences. Ethical regulations also vary depending on the country. Other interventions carry high risks of complications and require personalized monitoring, or even additional treatments. A word to the wise…

Source: www.topsante.com