3 signs are DEFINITELY released from the past on September 21, 2024

This is a problem of our own making, and while we may not have “asked” for it, we still hold the key, and that key will be turned over on September 21st when Saturn reminds us that it’s time to move on.

Three signs break free from the past on September 21, 2024

There are times when you are proud of who you are and feel that you are the sum of your experiences. These experiences were all created in the past, but you came to understand that not all of these experiences were good.

Although you are a person who takes responsibility for your life, have you noticed that if you spend too much time reliving the “good old days” you end up feeling drained and drained of energy; you recognize the need to release the past in order to move forward in peace and health.

You will be working with a strong Saturn energy and all is well. You have nothing to worry about here. Although change can be scary, you believe it is the key to being able to progress…or not. You have the courage to break free from the past, because Saturn’s influence shows you that the past has nothing left to offer you.

It is not unusual for you to feel the vibrations of Saturn intensely, as this planet plays a significant role in the nature of your sign. In terms of the past, you feel that most of your life takes place during that time period. You rarely think about the present, or rather, you always refer to the past.

Your friend Saturn, however, wants you to pay attention to what is happening in your life now, and you will feel a strong pull to stay in the present, as this is where all your healing seems to take place. Healing comes from letting go of the past and its endless meaning.

This day allows you to feel, for the first time in a long time, that you no longer need to refer to the past if you want to impress people or gain sympathy. It’s an old story and you want to detach yourself from it. There is no longer any reason to live in the past; you free yourself, luckily.

The past has held you in its clutches for so long that you don’t even realize why you can’t move on, while you see your friends doing it all the time. You’ve convinced yourself that your way is the only way forward, and even though you know a lot of this has to do with childhood and something unfulfilled, you should be looking forward, not back.

Whatever happens during this Saturn transit, you will know that it registers in your psyche as the truth. Control yourself as this becomes a hindrance rather than a simple stroll down memory lane.

This day instills in you the idea that you must break free from the past in order to see any of your dreams come true. You need to let go of the need to blame the past for everything because it hasn’t helped you grow at all, and you know it. This day hits hard and good, and it will make you leave the past in its proper place.

Source: jurnalul.ro