3 thousand 195 people were arrested in October

The police said that more than 3 thousand accused have been arrested this October in about seventeen cases related to the July-August agitation.

According to the police headquarters, 1 thousand 695 cases have been filed so far against those who attacked, fueled and ordered the killing of the students during the anti-discrimination student movement. 3 thousand 195 people have been arrested in these cases this October. Among those arrested, 74 are high-profile figures of the former government.

This information was informed in a press release sent from the police headquarters on Sunday night.

It has been said that 3 thousand 195 people including 74 high-profile leaders of the then government party have been arrested in this month of October alone, based on specific evidence of brutal killing of students and involvement in hateful activities during the anti-discrimination movement.

Stating that the legal action is ongoing, the police headquarters says that in the past, those who were involved in various types of misdeeds including extortion, tender bidding, terrorist activities under the umbrella of political parties have also been taken legal action, including arrests, which are ongoing.

The police notification also said that there is no reason for students and general public to be alarmed in this regard. Police service will be harassment free, people friendly. Bangladesh Police will ensure that no one is subjected to undue harassment.

The circular also said that the anti-discrimination movement is a milestone in building a non-discrimination society and ensuring all the rights of people, which has opened the door to immense possibilities for all. In this march, the police is determined to work with the students and general public to build the desired Bangladesh.

(Dhaka Times/October 13/LM/SIS)

Source: www.dhakatimes24.com