30 Photos That Show the Ravages of Tobacco

It is estimated that approximately 1.25 billion people worldwide are considered smokers, which represents a little over 15% of the world’s population, who suffer from this addiction, and are at risk of developing health problems such as respiratory problems, heart disease, infections, dental problems, heart attacks, or several types of cancer. Equally frightening are the effects of smoking on surfaces and other everyday objects. Nothing better than photos to become aware of the effects of nicotine on walls, furniture, clothes or even carpets, and this over a long period of time, 10, 20, 30 or even 40 years.

#1 Ceiling tiles in the smoking area and non-smoking area in an airport

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#2 damage caused by cigarette butts on a shrub

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#3 Comparison of a smoker’s window and a non-smoker’s window

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#4 Cleaning a chandelier in a smoker’s home

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#5 A new glove versus an old glove used for smoking cigarettes

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#6 This is a smoker’s rug after moving his bed

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#7 Smoker’s apartment

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#8 The light bulb in a smoking room vs. that of a non-smoker

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#9 air vents

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#10 Air Filter Replacement Reminder

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#11 Results of 30 Years of Continuous Smoking in a Living Room

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#12 2 glasses from a smoker’s house. One is washed

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#13 Cleaning after 20 years of nicotine deposited on walls and ceilings

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#14 Smoker vs Non-Smoker Curtains

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#15 Cleaning a crystal chandelier subjected to years of cigarette smoke. Here are the before and afters

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#16 The interior of the smoker’s car

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#17 fridge that has suffered 44 years of nicotine

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#18 The effects of cigarettes on walls

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#19 I recently moved and replaced the smoke detector. Here’s what 20 years of smoking did to it

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#20 What 10 Years of Heavy Smoking Did to My Grandmother’s Carpet

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#21 I cleaned the seat belts on my grandfather’s car

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#22 house inhabited by long-term smokers

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#23 Difference between the smoking side and the non-smoking side of my quadruplex

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#24 Nicotine on Sonic Blue on a ’66 Strat

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#25 Difference Between a Smoking Room and a Non-Smoking Room

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#26 I finally got some pillowcases from a family member who smokes

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#27 Yellowing of the plastic around the socket due to cigarette smoke

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#28 effect of smoke on the floor coming from the apartment

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#29 Cleaning the apartment of a grandmother who smoked a lot

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#30 20 Years of Cigarette Smoke Overview

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And to go further, we advise you to head to This top humorous tweets about these Internet users who modify the title so that it makes a reference to cigarettes, to smoking or a brand.

Source: hitek.fr