3DDen makes new use of AI for interior design

Tags: 3D printing | 3D Day | Interior Design | Tiles | oPET | Artificial intelligence

3DDen newly uses artificial intelligence to create interior designs. With its use, using a unique 3D printing method, they create design interior tiles from recycled oPET material, both in individual and serial collections. AI is now used by 3DDen to generate the 3D print design of the interior wall tiles. The tiles are the product of intensive development using our own 3D printing technology in cooperation with a Swiss company TIDE.

As the first company in the world to produce tiles 100% from waste PET plastics from the ocean, making them the number 1 ecological choice. Every kilogram of material is certified and its origin can be traced. Each individual tile is made from 50 PET bottles retrieved from the ocean.

3DDen can print almost anything from oPET material, made from plastics fished out of the ocean. Until now, these were mainly sports cups, toys, advertising items, furniture, decorations, but also a 12-meter replica of the Eiffel Tower for the Olympic Festival at Lake Most. A completely new direction is specialization in interior design – wall coverings.

After the feedback that 3DDen has from its customers from the Czech Republic, but also from Western Europe and the Middle East, they decided to transfer the popular solution of wall coverings to their specialization. They expanded the team of designers, launched the use of AI, as well as adapted their special 3D printers to the new segment and bought new ones. The tiles are completely customizable to the customer’s requirements, in a very flexible way, where the wishes can be met in a few minutes. Custom colors are also available for larger orders.

3DDen AITILE-2440

Ob­kla­dy vy­ni­ka­jí vel­kou leh­kos­tí (dlaž­di­ce <500g), te­pel­nou, zvu­ko­vou a UV izo­la­cí, fy­zi­kál­ní i che­mic­kou odol­nos­tí a ne­o­me­ze­ný­mi mož­nost­mi de­sig­nu. Lze vy­bí­rat ze ši­ro­ké škály barev. In­sta­la­ce ob­kla­dů je pak velmi snad­ná a k dis­po­zi­ci je také mag­ne­tic­ká va­ri­an­ta nebo prů­svit­ná va­ri­an­ta pro LED svě­tel­né de­ko­ra­ce. Jsou také na roz­díl od ji­ných ma­te­ri­á­lů ab­so­lut­ně ne­to­xic­ké, mají vlast­nos­ti jako PET lahve. V ne­po­sled­ní řadě je další vý­ho­dou také ce­no­vá do­stup­nost, kdy se ceny po­hy­bu­jí v roz­me­zí 2000 – 3000 Kč za metr čtve­reč­ní.

Czech company 3DDen is the first and only one in the world to use the ecological material oPET from plastics fished from the oceans in innovative 3D printing on printers of its own production. The unique farm of 3D printers 3DDen is located in Prague’s Horní Počernice. Around three hundred 3D printers of various types work here almost non-stop. 3DDen builds on the success of the world’s largest manufacturer of 3D printers, the Czech company Prusa Research, from which it also uses some of its machines. But these were no longer enough for more complex and sophisticated products, and that is why the experts from 3DDen started developing their own 3D printers. In terms of size and focus, 3DDen has no competition in the Czech Republic, Europe or the USA. 3DDen specializes in multi-color composite material printing and can custom 3D model and print virtually anything. Moreover, very quickly, practically by the next day.

Source: www.cad.cz