40 million lei each for TVR and Public Radio

What does the Government not do in an election year! Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu, the PSD candidate in the presidential elections, announced on Saturday that he had added 40 million lei to the budgets for SRR and TVR.

“We modified, together with Mr. Deputy Prime Minister, after the Coalition meeting, still looking at the discrepancy between how TVR and Radio are paid, after an analysis – and we asked the Minister of Finance to quickly do the analysis – and we have now added 40 million lei to the rectification, both at TVR and at Radio. With the same amount, so the same at one institution and at the other,” said Ciolacu, in Cluj-Napoca.

He specified that he also took into account the “performance” of the two institutions.

“Of course, I also look at the performance of the two institutions. The radio is on the first place, as an audience at the national level, and by extension also in the Republic of Moldova. TVR does not say, it has the same performance. (…) I had memoranda from the president of Radiodifuzioni, who told me that there was too big a gap and too big a salary difference”, Ciolacu pointed out.

Source: www.cotidianul.ro