40 people were killed in an attack on a military base in Chad

The Boko Haram jihadist rebel organization carried out another raid on the Chadian army in the Lake Chad region. About forty soldiers were killed in the attack, the Central African country’s presidential office announced on Monday.

According to MTI’s report, the surprise attack hit a two-hundred-person barracks on Sunday in the swampy area of ​​the small islands, near the Nigerian border. The insurgents besieged the barracks for 22 hours before storming it, setting fire to army vehicles there and taking away many small arms.

President Mahamat Idriss Deby Itno on Monday launched an operation to track down the attackers. THE Reuters Chad is an important ally of French and American forces fighting jihadists in the Sahel region, which has become the epicenter of global terrorism due to attacks by groups loyal to al-Qaeda and the Islamic State.

The Hungarian government also has plans in the African country: Minister of National Defense Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky announced in October 2023 that the Orbán government would send a military mission to Chad to curb migration and provide humanitarian assistance. Since then, it has emerged that Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó was accompanied by Viktor Orbán’s son, Gáspár Orbán, and the Prime Minister himself indicated that he would like to see the agreement on the military mission as well.

The Hungarian government would conclude a defense agreement with Chad, the representatives will soon decide on it Viktor Orbán received the President of Chad, they are also discussing the possibility of joint operations

Source: nepszava.hu