48 kg Chae Jeong-an “I eat everything except ‘this’… Boiled eggs are my favorite”

(Celeb Health) Actress Chae Jeong-an’s eating habits revealed

48 kg Chae Jeong-an “I eat everything except ‘this’… Boiled eggs are my favorite”
Chae Jeong-an pointed out boiled eggs as her favorite food. (Photo = Video capture from YouTube channel ‘Super Market’)

Actress Chae Jeong-an (47) revealed her usual eating habits. According to his profile, his height and weight are 172cm and 48kg.

Recently, a video titled ‘The original nation’s first love & hot YouTuber, everything about actress Chae Jeong-an?!’ was posted on the YouTube channel ‘Supermarket’.

In the video that day, while cooking with Chae Jeong-an, actor Ki Eun-se asked, “Do you cook at home and eat it?” Chae Jeong-an responded, “I really like boiling ramen with eggs.” “My favorite food is boiled eggs,” he said.

Ki Eun-se asked, “So you don’t take care of your body with food?” Chae Jeong-an said, “I am careful to eat all the food,” adding, “However, I do not eat snacks such as desserts.”

Boiled eggs are low in calories and rich in protein, good for dieting.

Boiled eggs, Chae Jeong-an’s favorite food, are a high-protein, low-calorie food that is helpful for dieting and maintaining health.

Eggs are rich in high-quality protein, which is beneficial for muscle growth and maintenance, and cell regeneration. They also contain essential amino acids, providing nutrients that cannot be synthesized in the body. The B vitamins in eggs help with energy metabolism and support the nervous system, while vitamin D promotes bone health and strengthens immunity. It is also rich in iron, zinc, and selenium, which are essential for immunity and blood production.

In particular, egg yolk contains antioxidants called lutein and zeaxanthin, which are helpful for eye health, including contributing to the prevention of macular degeneration. The choline contained in eggs regulates blood cholesterol and strengthens the heart.

One egg (approximately 50g) has a low calorie content of about 68 to 78 kcal, and its high protein content keeps you feeling full for a long time after eating, helping to reduce snacking or overeating. Protein intake is also good for activating metabolism and burning body fat.

Yolks contain cholesterol, but it doesn’t cause much of a problem for most people. One to two yolks per day are safe for healthy people. However, if you have cardiovascular disease or high blood cholesterol levels, it is best to adjust your intake after consulting with your doctor.

Desserts can cause obesity and increase the risk of overeating.

Desserts that Chae Jeong-an rarely eats have a high sugar content, causing blood sugar levels to rise and fall rapidly, causing fatigue and hunger. Excessive sugar intake causes obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and poor dental health, and is addictive, making you crave more sweet foods and likely leading you to overeat.

Desserts such as cake, ice cream, and cookies are high in calories even in small amounts, so consuming them in excess can easily lead to weight gain. In particular, eating dessert at dinner time reduces activity, which increases the likelihood that extra calories will be stored as fat.

Some desserts are made with butter, cream, margarine, etc. and are high in saturated and trans fats, which can raise cholesterol levels and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. If it consists of simple carbohydrates, you will not feel full for long.

Therefore, if you are concerned about your health, it is a good idea to replace desserts with healthier foods or control your intake. Healthy dessert alternatives include fruit, Greek yogurt, and dark chocolate. If you eat dessert, it is advisable to enjoy it in small amounts after a meal, once or twice a week.

Source: kormedi.com