49-year-old Myung Se-bin, “I’m giving up my frozen eggs”… They say it’s better to have the procedure ‘at this time’ at the latest.

(Celeb Health) Actress Myung Se-bin gives up on extending egg freezing

49-year-old Myung Se-bin, “I’m giving up my frozen eggs”… They say it’s better to have the procedure ‘at this time’ at the latest.
Actress Myung Se-bin (49) confessed that she had given up on egg freezing. (Photo = SBS Plus ‘Because I’m Solo’)

Actress Myung Se-bin (49) confessed that she had given up on egg freezing.

Myung Se-bin, who recently appeared on SBS Plus’ ‘Because I’m Solo’, said that she froze her eggs in the past, but did not extend them. He said, “I’ve just given up now,” and added, “I’m older and it’s not just about having an egg, it’s about implantation as well.”

He added, “I gave up because I didn’t think the future process would be easy. I felt a little sad and upset (about not being able to have children), but I guess this is how I have to live my life.”

How to freeze and store relatively healthy eggs for a long period of time

The egg freezing mentioned by Myung Se-bin is literally a procedure that freezes eggs in ultra-low temperature conditions. This is a method of maintaining the quality of eggs for a long period of time by rapidly freezing eggs when the eggs are relatively young or have no abnormalities in ovarian function. Typically, women are born with 2 to 3 million eggs in both ovaries. However, the function of the ovaries deteriorates over time, and a woman’s fertility declines.

After checking ovarian function through a blood test, if aging is expected, consider freezing eggs. You can also consider egg freezing if you expect that future pregnancy will be difficult due to cancer treatment, etc. Egg freezing is also suitable for women who want to postpone pregnancy. After collecting healthy eggs, when you are ready to become pregnant, the eggs are thawed, fertilized with sperm, and implanted into the uterus. However, even if you freeze your eggs when you are young, as time goes by, the uterine environment and hormonal status may change, lowering your chances of pregnancy.

It is better to freeze eggs before the age of 38 when the percentage of eggs with normal chromosomes decreases.

It is known that if you are planning to freeze your eggs, it is best to do it before the age of 37 at the latest. This is to freeze eggs before the age of 38, when the proportion of eggs with normal chromosomes decreases.

The procedure is performed at some university hospitals or hospitals that deal with infertility. More than 10 to 30 eggs are collected through superovulation induction injection and stored frozen. This is because the lower the number of eggs, the lower the success rate when thawing the eggs and fertilizing them with sperm. The survival rate of frozen eggs is known to be around 80-95%. The retention period is about 5 years on average, but can be extended depending on the circumstances.

Meanwhile, if you have a partner, embryo freezing is more common than egg freezing. Embryo freezing is a method of fertilizing sperm and eggs and freezing them and storing them in an embryonic state. Even if you plan to get pregnant and undergo the procedure, it is a good idea to maintain a healthy lifestyle through regular exercise and eating habits.

Source: kormedi.com