5 AI trends that you must not miss in 2024

artificial intelligence (AI) continues to shape various industries, bringing significant innovation and progress. As we move through 2024, several key trends are emerging that you should not miss. These trends highlight the increasing importance and influence of AI in our daily lives and in different sectors.

Smaller and more efficient models

Smaller language models

During 2024, smaller language models become more and more popular. Although they still have several billion parameters, these models are much more accessible and cheaper compared to larger models. They can be used on devices like phones, making AI more accessible. Smaller models, such as Microsoft’s Phi and Orca, often perform as well or better than larger models in certain tasks. This shift towards smaller models allows more organizations to use AI without the need for large computing resources.

Model optimization techniques

Model optimization becomes more accessible thanks to advanced techniques such as Low Rank Adaptation (LoRA) and quantization. These techniques reduce the number of parameters that need to be updated, speeding up fine-tuning and reducing memory requirements. This allows smaller players to develop sophisticated AI capabilities without major infrastructure investments.

Multimodal AI

Multimodal AI, which can process and understand information from different types of data such as text, images, audio and video, is transforming many applications. For example, tools like Microsoft Copilot can analyze uploaded images and provide relevant information, improving the user experience. Multimodal AI enables human-like interactions and can be used in applications from graphic design to customized voice assistants.

AI in scientific research

AI plays a key role in accelerating scientific discoveries. Researchers are using AI to solve global challenges such as climate change, energy crises and disease. AI tools are being developed to improve weather forecasts, estimate carbon dioxide emissions and improve sustainable agriculture. In the field of life sciences, AI is used to discover new drugs and molecules, significantly reducing the time required for research and development.

Virtual agents and automation

With the advancement of AI tools, virtual agents are becoming more capable and versatile. Businesses are expanding the use of virtual agents beyond simple customer service chatbots. In 2024, virtual agents are expected to perform more complex tasks, such as reservations, travel planning and connecting to other services. This increased functionality is enabled by the integration of multimodal AI, which enables virtual agents to understand and respond to different types of input, including text, speech and images.

Bezbednost i etika AI

As AI becomes more integrated into our lives, the focus on AI safety and ethics is intensifying. Leading AI organizations collaborate to develop robust systems with standardized security protocols and best practices. Initiatives such as the AI ​​Safety Alliance, launched by IBM and Meta, aim to promote responsible AI innovation and ensure ethical use. This includes addressing issues of bias, transparency and accountability in AI systems.


AI in 2024 is marked by significant advances and trends that shape the future of technology and its application. Smaller and more efficient models, multimodal AI, scientific research, advanced virtual agents, and a strong focus on AI safety and ethics are some of the key trends to watch. By following these trends and adapting to developments, businesses and individuals can harness the potential of AI to advance innovation and improve various aspects of life.

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Source: www.itnetwork.rs