5 habits to avoid to live a fulfilled life

Here are 5 common habits that happy people avoid:

1. They don’t focus on more than one thing
There is a farcical idea surrounding this concept of multitasking. This estel of one big project at a time is why successful people never divide their attention when it comes to big projects. Unlike most of us, successful people understand that the secret to effective work is to focus on one thing.

This is why they are so selective in what they choose to do. They actively measure what is and isn’t worth their time.

2. I don’t work when I should be with my loved ones
Not getting your work done on time creates anxiety in today’s hectic society, and you feel like you never finish what you have to do. Because of this, you may feel the need to work when you should be spending time with your partner.

This is a big NO in the eyes of a happy person who understands that the secret to success in a relationship is being good to the other person and spending time with the ones you love. This is necessary for your mental health. But it can’t happen if you’re not fully present with your partner.

According to researchers from Southern Methodist University and Michigan State, data shows that when we spend time with loved ones, our overall well-being increases. One more reason to be present and connected with our partners!

3. They never check social media while spending time with their kids
The worst thing you can do as a parent is be on your phone all day. Time with your child is not unlimited and you need to make the most of it. Your child needs your undivided, face-to-face attention to develop healthy self-esteem.

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PHOTO Catherine Zeta-Jones posed completely naked to give a gift to her husband, Michael Douglas. The image was posted online

Plus, constantly checking your phone is a bad habit you’re passing on to your child. Research from South Korea has shown that parents who frequently check their phones have children who are more likely to copy the habit, which can affect their negative behavior offline as well.

The Center for Child Development at Harvard University points out that constant child neglect leads to a series of consequences on their physical and mental health.

While it seems like being on the phone while with your child is harmless, this habit could have more devastating consequences than we like to think.

4. They don’t let distractions break their focus
Unfortunately, no matter how hard you try, you will never escape the distractions of your daily life. It is well known that distractions are a part of life. Unlike most, however, successful people don’t let distractions consume their lives—they learn to manage them. Meditation can help.

It’s also important to understand the difference between a distraction and a need. For example, getting up to go for a walk after an intense brainstorming session at work isn’t a distraction—it’s a mental health need. Eating healthy foods when you’re hungry is a necessity, not a distraction. So stay hydrated, get moving, and include them in your focused schedule.

5. They don’t let resentment or fear stop them from being vulnerable with loved ones
Some people look for solutions outside of themselves instead of knowing that real strength comes from within. And this growth, this mastery, is hindered when fear does not allow us to become vulnerable with the people we care about and, most importantly, with ourselves, according to yourtango.com.

The Buddha said that people who are stuck in aversions and cravings are hungry ghosts.

Source: jurnalul.ro