5 natural antibiotics that don’t require a prescription

5 natural antibiotics that don’t require a prescription

Antibiotics revolutionized the world of medicine; thousands of diseases that were previously considered incurable were now curable thanks to them.

An antibiotic is a chemical that kills or prevents the growth of microorganisms, usually bacteria, that make the body sick.

However, antibiotics are relatively new, their first uses were around 1942, so we are only just beginning to delve into everything that their use entails. Despite their benefits and the lives that many antibiotics have saved, they produce terrible allergies and the overuse of them is causing us to become resistant to their effects, forcing us to use stronger antibiotics that have adverse effects on our body.

This is why finding natural antibiotics that do not cause allergies and whose action on the body is not aggressive or makes us feel sick is perhaps the best option. There are many foods that, due to the combination of compounds that make them up and their natural properties, strengthen the immune system and even attack specific diseases. The surprising thing is that these are foods that are in our diet, but perhaps we should start thinking about using them a little more, especially when we are sick.

Some of the best natural antibiotics are:


It is perhaps one of the best-known natural antibiotics, but in addition to this virtue, garlic is also a powerful antioxidant, so we will have to look for more excuses to abuse it.



This plant from the daisy family is well known for its more practical uses as a very powerful antibiotic. In fact, it is one of the few capable of successfully eliminating the deadly Staphylococcus.



The best thing about ginger is that it has a selective antibiotic power, which means that it is relentless with malignant microorganisms and encourages the growth of benign microorganisms such as those of the intestinal flora that allow us to fight diseases much better and maintain good general health. It is particularly good for intestinal and throat infections.



Besides being an excellent condiment, rosemary has more than 20 antiviral properties. A rosemary tea, besides being very tasty, is excellent for preventing germs that can potentially harm your health from spreading in the body and causing more problems. An infusion 3 times a week will help you prevent many infections and diseases.



In addition to being a natural relaxant that will help us breathe easy after a stressful or unfriendly day, linden has mostly antiviral properties, so when your defenses are very low, a linden tea will not only relax you and help you sleep but will also be an active element to fight any infection.

Natural antibiotics are a great way to keep infections under control, and they work by stopping the problem in its early stages. So if you think you’re starting one of those processes that you know how it ends, hurry up and add them to your diet.

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Source: diarioecologia.com