The desire to grow green in your home is becoming more and more widespread. Some plants are suitable for this, others less so. Here is a selection of 5 plants that will be particularly happy in your home.
5 plants to grow indoors
Some of the proven benefits of gardening include combating stress and being good for blood circulation. What if you only have a storage room for a garden? Well, it’s the same. Growing plants is good for your health; it soothes and fights against stress it brings a satisfying feeling.
Growing aloe vera indoors: why and how?
This wonderful plant with long, very pointed leaves is a true miracle of nature. It is used for its qualities of healing and of skin care (burns, abrasions, irritations, sunburn, etc.). Simply break a leaf and apply the juice that comes out.
Where and how to grow aloe vera indoors?
Aloe vera likes ambient temperatures in homes (less than 20°C). As it loves the sun, place the plant near windows. It also likes dry soils: so just water it every 2-3 days, no more.
Growing tomatoes indoors: why and how?
This beautiful fruit which develops on a plant native to Mexico, the Solanum tomatospread throughout the world after the colonization of the Americas by the Spanish. There are many varieties, particularly small ones: cherry tomatoes which are perfect for indoor plantings.
It is mainly for their good taste that we choose them, but they are also rich in beta-carotene, vitamin A, C, K and help the skin to protect from the sun. Not bad !
Where and how to grow indoor tomatoes?
These tomatoes need a lot of light and warmth, so it is a good idea to place them in front of a window, facing south, or even illuminate them with a fluorescent lamp during dark winter days.
To grow your tomatoes harmoniously indoors, it’s all about balance. The soil should be moist but not soggy. Also note that if tomatoes are naturally fertilized by bumblebees, it is possible to do this by hand with a cotton swab as for squash outdoors.
Growing coriander indoors: why and how?
Coriander is a delicate herb with cut leaves and a strong odor. It can spice up many dishes and is very useful for Mexican, Indian or Thai cooking.
Where and how to grow coriander indoors?
The coriander thrives in heat, but needs plenty of light. It is best to expose it to morning sunlight and install it behind a window that faces east.
For better growth, the soil must be kept moist, but it must not be soggy.
Growing spinach indoors: why and how?
This plant with large leaves is a real superfood which also grows very well indoors. Rich in folic acid, fiber, vitamins A and K, spinach is good for the heart and against age-related memory loss. They are also perfect for the development of fetuses and therefore recommended for pregnant women.
Where and how to grow spinach indoors?
Spinach likes moderate conditions, neither too hot nor too cold. Find a sunny spot for it that stays at room temperature like the rest of the room.
It needs plenty of room to spread its roots; it needs a deep pot.
Growing basil indoors: why and how?
Basil is a plant from the mint family, with a sweet scent. There are several varieties, including lemon basil, anise basil and purple basil.
Basil is one of the most popular herbs because it goes well with many foods, including cheese, pasta, tomatoes, lettuce, soups and many other dishes. Common basil is used in Italian cooking, and other basil varieties in Asian cuisines.
Where and how to grow basil indoors?
Basil grows best behind a south-facing window because it likes sun and warmth.
It should be planted in a well-drained pot in which the soil is very moist without being soaked. Other plants coexist very well with basil: you can place it near cabbage, squash, beans, tomatoes.
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