5 reasons to create an e-commerce site with WordPress

With its 62.8% global market share, this CMS offers incomparable flexibility, optimal natural referencing and ease of use which make it a wise choice for any online activity. Discover the 5 reasons to make WordPress your ally for your e-commerce!

WordPress, un CMS historique (Introduction)

For the record, WordPress has been created in 2003 by Matt Mullenweg and Mike Littletwo students frustrated by the halt in the development of CMS <>. Created by Michael ValdrighiB2 was mainly developed for blogshe was one of Pioneer CMS which laid the foundation for what would later become WordPress.

Initially, WordPress was designed with the main motivations to compensate for the lack of updates of b2/cafelog during 2003. After a smooth transition from b2 to WordPress and a simplified migration by its creators, b2 users were able to benefit from WordPress… Making the more accessible blogging to everyone and much more simplified than the others CMS of the time which were very often considered complex and insufficiently “user experience” oriented.

The current version of WordPress is extremely versatile and feature-rich and is not just limited to blogging, which makes it a popular choice for a variety of types of websites that people browse daily, including:

  • Blogs
  • Showcase sites
  • Online stores

1/ Personalize your site as you wish

Two of the main reasons that generally appeal to WordPress website creators are customization and the number of resources of all kinds available on YouTube, in libraries and in documentation open to all.

Customizing the original theme is one of the essential features taken into account by the WordPress CMS. He also offers thousands of themes et plugins different allowing you to bring a touch of uniqueness to each page of your site. Open-source CMS, WordPress also offers the possibility of tailor-made development nevertheless requiring proven mastery in front-end development, including one agence wordpress(1) such as Agence 123 can provide you with.

2/ Boost the visibility of your brand

Since its inception, WordPress has been favored by SEO and affiliate specialistsbecause sites that use it tend to get better rankings on search engines thanks to its SEO friendly approach:

  • Optimization of URLs and Title and meta-description tags
  • Optimization of image weight and alternative tag
  • Optimizing loading speed and caching,
  • Adaptation to different screen sizes (responsive design),
  • An optimal user experience (UX), for excellent user insights.

Without forgetting the variety of lightweight and SEO-enhanced WordPress themes… Divi, Astra, Ocean WP; Hello Elementor and many others to discover here: https://fr.wordpress.org/themes/

A site that has successowes it in part to natural referencing. In addition to not being expensive, WordPress allows you to increase your visibility for increase your traffic. This CMS therefore has advanced functionalities for SEOallowing you to build two of the three main pillars of natural referencing: the technique and semantics of your site.

3/ Un CMS flexible !

Using WordPress means having the luxury of being able to create a multitude of sites and simplify the creation of pages such as:

  • blogs and news sites: WordPress is widely hailed as an ideal choice for creating a dedicated space for your articles or any activity requiring a sophisticated SEO approach such as link reselling and affiliation.
  • showcase and corporate sites : The vast choice of themes and the flexibility provided by WordPress make it possible to create a site that reflects the uniqueness of your business while making it efficient and aesthetic.
  • e-commerce sites : The WooCommerce plugin allows you to convert your showcase site into an online store, allowing you to market your products on the internet easily without committing more budget.
  • online portfolios : For artists, photographers and content creators wishing to showcase their works, WordPress offers an ideal platform for developing an online portfolio and exposing their work to the general public.
  • community sites (forums) : Thanks to extensions like BuddyPress, it becomes relatively simple to create a community site integrating forums, groups and social networks, thus transforming it into a real space for exchange and sharing.

It can be used to create small and medium-sized sitesbut also more technical and tailor-made sites. You will have understood it, WordPress is a tool with multiple services and a great flexibility to adapt to your needs and those of your users.

4/ A CMS without limits and equipped with extensions

Free or paid, the extensions called Plugins are an integral part of the CMS and make it its strength.

There are more than 50 000 extensions just on the official WordPress directory. We must consider WordPress as a basic platform, on which we can easily integrate new features according to our needs. Among these plugins, we have selected a few and advise you to use:





Complete and flexible e-commerce plugin to create an online store and sell physical, digital products or services. It is one of the most popular with over 5 million active installations.


Wp Rocket

Paid, it stands out mainly for its ease of installation and use, offering significant performance improvements including caching your pages.



Free for up to 100 images/month, it allows you to optimize images (JPEG, PNG, WebP) imported onto your site by reducing file size without compromising visual quality.


Yoast SEO

It indicates some of the SEO criteria that allow your pages to rank better, including Title tags, Meta Description, URL extension, etc.


5/ Using WordPress means accessing freedom with ease!

This CMS offers great freedom and independence by allowing users to fully own their site and contentunlike platforms like Shopify.

However, he requires purchase of domain name and web hosting. But rest assured, if finding a domain name with a registrar and comparing the best web hosting offers scares you, WordPress offers its own hosting and domain name reservation system in just a few clicks.

Last point which deserves to be underlined, the site migration and backup are simplified thanks to its integrated tools, allowing users to transfer their site or restore data easily.

What you should remember

WordPress East ideal for small e-tailers due to its flexibility, its SEO-friendly side, and its ease of use. Created in 2003, WP quickly became THE versatile cms that allows you to create a variety of sites, including online stores. With thousands of themes and plugins, including WooCommerce to make it an online store. WordPress then offers a personalization thrust and a simplified management of content, pages and product catalog. Opting for WordPress and WooCommerce means choosing a economical and efficient solution to launch and develop your first online store efficiently before moving to the next level, PrestaShop, Shopify or Magento.

Source: www.e-marketing.fr