1. You carry and reach without worry
Balance is something you don’t notice until it starts to deteriorate. When the balance is in order, everyday life is smooth. Carrying heavy shopping bags or reaching for laundry to dry does not falter.
There’s no need to be nervous on the escalator: it’s like getting on board and letting the motor take you.
Fortunately, it is never too late to develop motor skills.
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You should also aim for well-conditioned back, stomach and leg muscles, because they keep you upright even in demanding places.
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2. You can stay upright by sliding
When winter time comes again: black ice on the crosswalk and swaying! In fractions of a second, the events of the morning and the previous day flash before your eyes. In addition to good shoes and anti-slip, strong muscles provide protection.
Good balance and muscle condition are prerequisites for quick reaction and correcting the movement so that a wobble does not result in a lurch. Especially in women, weak leg muscles are part of the reason for falling.
In men, muscle strength does not decrease as dramatically as in women. Going to the gym is worth it, because according to research, muscle fitness training reduces falls by up to half.
3. Foot problems stay away
Ankle mobility is important for balance. Getting up on your toes is a simple way to develop it. At the same time, it strengthens the small muscles of the leg and relieves leg problems. Also, taking turns standing on the heels and heels works.
Stiff ankles are softened by walking on different surfaces. Change shoes and also walk barefoot.
4. You exercise without injuries
The risk of sports injuries is reduced by almost 40 percent when strength and balance exercises are combined with sports training. T
In gymnastics, the importance of balance has been understood: various balance and body control classes have gained great popularity.
Balance exercises, such as jumping and squatting, should be done on a flat or soft surface. A balance board is a good helper. If swinging feels too wild, you can take support from the back of a chair or a railing.
5. You also get a workout for your brain
Walking in the bustle of people is a good brain exercise because you have to divide your attention between fellow travelers, unevenness of the street, billboards and cars.
In quiet streets, you can challenge yourself by turning your back to the direction of travel: walking backwards is an excellent joint workout for the body and brain.
This article has appeared in Hyvä tervey magazine. As a subscriber, you can read all issues free of charge from the digilehdet.fi service.
Source: www.hyvaterveys.fi