5 tips against prostate cancer from the urologist

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Although it is one of the most common types of cancer, prostate cancer detected early has a good chance of being cured. Dr. István Rákász a specialist at the Urology Center, spoke about the importance of regular screening and a healthy lifestyle.

A suitable lifestyle is a protective factor

For men diagnosed with prostate cancer your chances of survival are much better than with certain heart diseases – says research from the Harvard School of Public Health. The study also reveals that a healthy lifestyle plays a very important role in recovery from prostate cancer and prevention.

Since more than 180,000 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer in the United States alone each year (and 4,000 men are diagnosed with such a diagnosis in Hungary each year), the researchers hope that their results will motivate them even more to switch to a healthier lifestyle. This not only improves the recovery prospects of the disease itself, but also positively affects the length of life and the quality of life.

Here are the top 5 tips

Certain elements of lifestyle and awareness also play an important role in the prevention and treatment of prostate cancer. So what can men do for prevention, early detection and recovery?

Responsible partnership

Frequent partner changes (especially without protection) are a serious risk factor, as bacteria causing inflammation can enter the urethra even during oral sex.

Regular physical activity

Regular exercise plays a role in the prevention of many types of cancer, and cancer patients who perform regular physical activity before or after treatment have a 40% higher chance of survival compared to non-exercise patients. For men with prostate disease, it is worth training the muscles of the pelvic floor in a targeted way before the planned surgery or radiation treatment, because this can also speed up the rehabilitation after the intervention.

Dietary awareness

The main guidelines include the avoidance of alcohol, especially hard liquor, the reduction of hot and spicy foods, the inclusion of unsaturated fatty acids in the diet, mainly in the form of oily seeds and sea fish. The beneficial effects of pumpkin seeds and small-flowered vetiver are well known.

Regular emptying of the prostate

An active sex life has a particularly therapeutic effect.

Annual urological screening

According to experts, it is important for men to consult a doctor at the first symptoms in early detection. Attention should be paid to difficulties urinating, increasing frequency, possibly pain, bloody urine. 4However, even without symptoms, annual urological screening is important for people over 5 years of age.

– In addition to the PSA, i.e. prostate-specific antigen test performed during the blood analysis, the palpation test is very important. In such cases, the prostate is palpated through the anus and, if necessary, a small liquid sample is squeezed out with pressure. From this, a bacteriological analysis is made, looking for possible pathogens that cause inflammation. If increased sensitivity occurs during the examination, it may even indicate inflammation, says Dr. István Rákász, specialist at the Urology Center.

“It may still be important.” also the urine flow test and ultrasound imagingthe latter can also happen through the abdomen or the rectum. In the latter case, the prostate can be studied in great detail with the help of a special accessory of the ultrasound device. Even small changes can be detected, but it is not possible to determine whether they are benign or malignant, so in the event of a discrepancy, further investigations must follow.

Source: Urological Center (www.urologiaikozont.hu)

Source: www.patikamagazin.hu