5 vegetables to grow at home, without a garden

Growing vegetables when you don’t have a garden or even create a vegetable patch is possible! Here is a non-exhaustive list of varieties that can be grown indoors.

Written by CecileOct 4, 2024, at 3:34 p.m.

Fruits and vegetables within easy reach, who hasn’t dreamed of them? If we are not all lucky enough to have a vegetable garden, know that it is still possible to growing certain varieties of edible plants at home and not just aromatic herbs. However, certain advice should be respected.

Growing vegetables in an apartment is possible!

Pour growing vegetables indoorsabove all, it is enough to focus on the most suitable varieties of edible plants, but not only that. The pot or planter chosen as well as the quality of the soil are important. The size of the container must therefore be chosen according to the plant to be cultivated. Some will need more space, because they will tend to spread out during their growth, while others will be able to make do with a limited planter.

Also prefer to opt for a potting soil designed for growing edible plants in potsor soil enriched with compost or other organic fertilizer to promote the good growth of your plants.

Another important element to take into account when growing fruits and vegetables in an apartment or at home: watering. This must be more regular than for plantings in the ground, because the roots of the plants are more exposed to drying out. But also be careful with overwateringlikely to cause them to rot. It is better to ensure good drainage by piercing the bottom of the pot, so as to collect the excess water in the associated saucer. Placing clay balls at the bottom of the container is also a good solution.

Exposure is just as important for growing vegetables indoors. Choose places with sufficient light, but not directly exposed to the sun’s rays, which could burn them. Also avoid places subject to drafts or, on the contrary, too close to a heat source such as a radiator.

Finally, better to plant seasonal vegetableswhich you can then obtain commercially while respecting nature. It is, among other things, from the roots of these edible plants that you can obtain new ones!

Fruits and vegetables that grow indoors


Pour growing leeks indoorsnothing could be simpler. If you cook these tasty vegetables, with which it is possible to make many recipes, cut the stems, keeping about 2 cm of roots. Then place these roots in a glass with a little water at the bottom. Remember to change the water about every two days then wait a few weeks for the leek stems to develop. Once these are sufficiently developed, all you need to do is plant the leeks in a suitable pot.


Lettuce can also be grown at home! After preparing lettuce, keep the core of the salad and place it in a bowl of water exposed to light. A window sill, for example, is perfectly suitable. Change the water every day and after a few weeks you will have brand new lettuce!

It is possible to do the same with Bataviaexcept that this variety must be replanted in the ground, in a suitable pot.


It is also entirely possible to sow radishes indoors, in a pot. To do this, fill a pot with enriched potting soil, the substrate of which will be fine enough to allow the radish roots to sink in without difficulty. Place the radish seeds one by one, spacing them at least 1 centimeter apart. Cover the seeds very lightly with a little soil, then water well. Place the pot in the light and keep the potting soil moist until emergence, which usually occurs within the next 5 days. The radish harvest generally occurs a month later.

A radish that grows in a pot, a vegetable to grow indoors

Also read: Radish, an explosive cocktail of vitamins and trace elements

Green beans

Growing green beans in pots at homeis also relatively simple. If you opt for climbing beans, you will need to install a stake to allow the plant to develop. Better to opt for snap beans, the pod of which can be eaten entirely.

Plan to place your seedlings in a sufficiently large pot, at least 40 cm in diameter, filled with a substrate whose light consistency will allow the roots to develop easily. Plant the sunken bean seeds about 3cm deep. Cover the seeds with soil and tamp down slightly with your hand. Water the substrate immediately and place your pot in the light. Monitor watering: the soil must remain moist, without overwatering.

Beans are generally harvested 8 to 10 weeks later.


If it is possible to growing asparagus indoorsHowever, you will need to be a little more patient. If you cook them, remember to preserve their roots. Soak them for a few minutes in water, then plant them in a pot filled with potting soil, making sure to space them out.

You will then have to wait several months to be able to harvest your asparagus and finally enjoy it, so consider planting some at home every year to rotate.

Many other vegetables can be grown in pots and indoors, but with more patience, attention and of course, without expecting a satisfactory yield.. Only the satisfaction of quietly watching plants grow should excite you, as well as that of subsequently tasting homemade vegetables!

Article updated

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