6 diseases that can cause infertility

Having children is a complex and sensitive topic that plays an important role in many people’s lives. Unfortunately, there can be many reasons why a couple has difficulty conceiving, and this is an increasingly common problem both globally and in our country. According to current statistics, 15-20% of all couples of reproductive age in Hungary face this problem, which means that roughly every fifth or sixth couple is affected.

There are many reasons why a couple may have difficulty conceiving. Photo: 123rf.com

Infertility can be caused by many things, from environmental influences to lifestyle habits to various diseases. Below are eight diseases that can directly or indirectly cause infertility.


Endometriosis is a condition in which the inner lining of the uterus – the endometrium – appears in areas outside the uterus, such as the ovaries, fallopian tubes or even the surface of the intestines. And this can prevent pregnancy in several ways. First, often can lead to fallopian tube blockage and scarring which makes it difficult for the egg and sperm to meet. But the duct does not necessarily have to be blocked, endometriosis can cause damage that prevents the fertilized egg from reaching the uterine wall. And even if you reach the quality of the egg can also be problematicwhich also makes it difficult to get pregnant.

That’s not all: the immune system of a woman affected by endometriosis can attack the fertilized egg, even being together can be so painfulthat it becomes almost impossible to bear children. Its appearance is relatively common: it affects 6-10% of women, and among infertile women this rate is much higher, at 25-40%.

Polycystic ovary syndrome, i.e. PCOS

Polycystic ovary syndrome is one of the most common causes of female infertility: every tenth woman in Hungary may be affected by the problem. The essence of PCOS is that many small cysts appear in the ovaries, which prevent normal ovulation. But it is also possible that due to the disease, a thick coating is formed on the ovary, so that the expulsion of the ovum – during ovulation – can become impossible. In addition, it also affects the development of the endometrium: in the case of PCOS, it may not be enough to receive or, in the event of a possible reception, nourish the ovum.

It is important to emphasize that it is not impossible to get pregnant with PCOSit is true, both conceiving and maintaining a pregnancy are more difficult and risky if we suffer from this condition.

Sexually transmitted infections

Some sexually transmitted infections, such as chlamydia or gonorrheacan cause serious damage to the reproductive system for both women and men. These infections can cause inflammation in the fallopian tubes or scrotum, which can result in infertility.

Moreover, these they are often asymptomatic in those affected, who thus do not pay attention to the treatment, and may even pass it on to others. Doctors usually advise to do an STD test after each new sexual partner to prevent this and later problems and minimize the risks.

Autoimmune diseases

We can talk about such diseases when the immune system mistakenly attacks the body’s own cells. Certain autoimmune diseases – such as thyroid disorders or lupus – they can affect the functioning of the reproductive organs and the hormonal balance, thereby causing infertility.

Cancers and treatments

Different cancers often require different treatments, for example radiation or chemotherapy. These can damage the ovaries or testicles and thus cause infertility. Of course, this is not legal, so we can try to conceive (again) after recovering from the disease.

Some experts recommend that women wait half a year after chemotherapy treatments to get pregnant, while others recommend 2-5 years before giving birth. This is because the cancer is more likely to return during this period and the treatment of an expectant mother is more complicated. In the case of men, there are no strict guidelines, but in general it may be worth waiting 2-5 years.

Chronic diseases

Certain chronic diseases, such as diabetes or thyroid problems, they can affect the hormonal balance and the functioning of the reproductive systemthereby causing infertility.

Let’s not despair!

It is very important that if any condition exists in our case, we should not immediately despair. A healthy lifestyle, regular medical examinations and a healthy diet they all play an important role in minimizing the risk of infertility. These can also help us if we are affected by one of the conditions listed above. In such a case, of course, it is particularly important to visit a specialist or one directly infertility center.

Since it is an important issue not only on an individual but also on a social level, nowadays, we can ask for help in many specialized institutions and infertility centersmoreover, there are countless methods available even if conception is not possible naturally.


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Source: napidoktor.hu