6 Foods That Accelerate Skin Aging

To delay skin aging, many of us rely on facial care and natural anti-aging beauty rituals. However, have you thought about your diet? Did you know that certain foods accelerate skin aging? We tell you everything.

As hard as it may be for some people to hear, skin aging is an inevitable natural phenomenon : over time, our skin gradually loses its elasticity and the first wrinkles appear. If we can’t do anything to stop it, we can delay this agingin particular by applying specific natural carebut also by monitoring our diet. Indeed, Some foods accelerate skin aging so it is better to consume them in moderation.

What foods accelerate skin aging?

Our genetic heritage, but also smoking, pollution, sun or stress, are partly responsible for premature skin aging. But they are not the only ones. To prevent skin aging, other parameters must be taken into account. And among them, diet: sugar, salt, caffeine, saturated fatty acids, what impact on our skin?

Sugar makes you old!

Eating too much sugar accelerates skin aging © Marjan Apostolovic

Eating too much sugar can be bad for our skin. In fact, researchers have highlighted a phenomenon called « glycation » : certain types of sugars, in particular Glucose and fructose attach to proteins in our bodywhich causes a chemical reaction. These transformed proteins will have adverse effects on collagen and elastin fibers : they will clump together and become hard.

As a result, the skin will lose its elasticity, its tone and will show wrinkles. In addition, these proteins will also produce free radicals having a direct impact on the production of hyaluronic acid, elastin and collagen, precious molecules of youth. Result, the skin is dull and dull complexion.


Salt is also responsible for premature skin aging. In fact, an excess of sodium leads to water losses important in our skin. It therefore dehydrates more quickly, becomes dry, dull: the signs of aging then become more visible. To reduce your salt intake, replace it with aromatic herbs.


skin aging

Alcohol (always to be consumed in moderation) also has an impact on the condition of our skin © Mooi Design

Not surprisingly, Alcohol is also bad for our skinespecially when it is already mature. Indeed, alcohol dehydrates the epidermiswhich significantly accelerates the formation of wrinkles. In addition, alcoholic beverages dilate blood vessels, leading to redness on the skinThis phenomenon of skin aging is amplified when alcohol is combined with cigarettes.


Also be careful with caffeine which does not do much good for our skin if consumed in too great a quantity. In fact, it leads to a decrease in collagen production while promoting cell dehydration. Our skin is therefore weakened and much less supple, which provides a breeding ground for wrinkles. However, caffeine can have positive effects if used in facial careespecially to decongest bags under the eyes or lift our skin.

Grilled red meat

If it is too toasted, Meat can also affect the youthfulness of your skin. Indeed, the latter will cause inflammation in your body, harmful to our epidermis (in addition to being carcinogenic). So instead, favor a diet rich in antioxidants which will help fight against free radicals responsible for premature aging of the skin. These antioxidants are mainly present in fruits and vegetables.


skin aging

Drinking too much milk accelerates skin aging © Happy Together

Consumed in too large a quantity, milk can also have an impact on our skin. By promoting theobstruction des pores of our epidermis, it promotes imperfections and thus leads to premature aging of the skin.

To limit the effects of time on your skin, Above all, focus on a healthy and balanced diet. Regularly consume seasonal fruits and vegetables, eggs, oily fish rich in omega 3 or nuts. Also think about seafood, whole grains, legumes. Limit your fat intake and favor vegetable oils like olive oil or walnut, soybean, grape seed oil. Finally, don’t forget to drink plenty of water, at least 1.5 liters per day, to combat dry skin.

Anti-aging file
Natural solutions against skin aging

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