6 tips to remove brambles easily and permanently

Brambles can quickly invade unmaintained land and settle near flower beds and hedges in gardens. Once in place, gardeners sometimes have difficulty removing them. 6 simple tips allow you to quickly and naturally get rid of brambles while preventing their regrowth.

Written by Cecileon January 8, 2025, at 1:14 p.m.

Brambles, undesirable in private gardens, however have a real role in forests and natural environments. Firstly because they serve as food for caterpillars, butterflies and other insects, but also because they provide a home for an entire ecosystem that is barely visible and yet greatly useful: spiders, aphids and other insects enjoy living there. refuge. In addition, as brambles are fruit plants, they provide food appreciated by bumblebees and bees during the spring season. Brambles therefore have a real role to play in the natural environment.this is why you should not necessarily try to remove them, unless of course if they prove too invasive in the garden, where their presence can be a source of injury while preventing other plants from growing.

Pour effectively get rid of bramblesit is better to wait for the most appropriate season, namely the beginning of summer, to remove a massive bramble bush. To get rid of scattered brambles, prefer to act during April, when the younger shoots are developing.

Also read – Vegetable garden: the start of winter is the perfect time to create a new plot, how to do it?

How to destroy the roots of brambles?

At any rate, remove brambles from your garden involves certain equipment, particularly to avoid injuries: a pair of thick gloves, pruning shears and a stump cutter. To prevent the brambles from growing again, you will need to cut them down to ground level after pulling them out by hand. Prefer do not use toxic herbicides sold commercially. Turn to natural means, which will not have a negative impact on your environment.

1 – Remove brambles manually

The first method for removing brambles from the garden is therefore not surprising, since it simply involves getting rid of them manually. Equip yourself with sturdy gloves and sharp pruning shears to be able to cut the strongest vines.

If the brambles have had time to invade the area you wish to clear, you will probably need a brush cutter to succeed in clearing the stumps of the brambles. Otherwise, attack the shoots located at ground level, in order to gradually remove all the brambles present in the area to be cleaned. Cut the brambles at their root and repeat the operation as soon as new shoots appear.

You can also try to remove the roots of the brambles by hand, but the operation is likely to be inconclusive, as it requires a lot of force. Prefer to use a root extractorwhich will allow you to remove them more easily after turning the soil over beforehand.

Other natural tips allow you to destroy the roots of bramblesespecially when the latter infiltrate into flowerbeds and hedges and therefore prove difficult to access.

2 – Baking soda with white vinegar

It is thus possible to use baking soda to get rid of brambles, at the rate of: 1kg of bicarbonate for 5 liters of water and 200 ml of white vinegar.

By spraying this mixture directly on the stumps of the brambles, the latter will gradually rot and will be unable to produce new shoots. Once rotted, the stumps will also be easier to dig up manually.

3 – Nettle infusions

Another natural tip for removing the roots of brambles: make nettle infusions. Here is the procedure to follow:

  • Place 1 kilo of nettles in a non-metal container.
  • Add 20 liters of water, then let the nettles infuse for around fifteen days.
  • Remember to mix your preparation every day.
  • 15 days later, filter your infusion to remove nettle residue.
  • Spray this natural weedkiller directly on the bramble stumps.

Nettle infusions are particularly effective in getting rid of bramblesbut they tend to give off a somewhat unpleasant odor in the garden.

4 – Angelica manure

The weedkilling action of angelica also allows this plant to get rid of brambles. In manure, angelica will allow the stumps to rotso as to dig them up more easily later.

  • Let 500 grams of angelica flowers macerate in 5 liters of water for around fifteen days.
  • Stir this mixture daily.
  • Filter the preparation, then spray it at the level of the bramble stumps.

5 – Salt

Salt also helps remove brambles, but be careful, it can harm other plants in passing located nearby. So place your coarse salt directly at the level of the bramble stumps, avoiding scattering it around. An action that will stifle any attempt at regrowth.

6 – Potato or pasta cooking water

To permanently remove brambles from the garden, you can also use the cooking water from your potatoes or pasta. For what ? Because the starch present in this water is an effective weedkiller! To use it, pour your still hot cooking water directly onto the bramble stumps.

Does bleach kill brambles?

Yes, bleach is good for removing brambles, since it is a particularly aggressive product. However, we do not recommend using it in the garden, where this product can be toxic. Therefore prefer to use natural methods, whose action on biodiversity is limited.

How to prevent brambles from regrowing?

How to prevent brambles from regrowing?

Once you have gotten rid of the brambles, you might as well avoid seeing them reappear elsewhere in the garden. To protect yourself from these unwanted plants, mulch your soil. Organic mulching helps stop the development of brambles and weeds.while nourishing your soil as it decomposes. Bark, lawn clippings, straw… Mulching your soil also helps protect your plants from heat and cold.

Article updated

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