7 Embarrassing Signs of Depression

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When you suffer from depression, life seems like a constant struggle. In addition to experiencing internal feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, worthlessness, and emptiness, you may experience some “embarrassing” symptoms of depression.

Maybe you haven’t showered in days. Maybe you’re late for work every day because you can’t motivate yourself to get out of bed. Maybe you are more forgetful. These are some of the outward signs of depression that people around you tend to notice.

The problem is that most of these people are not aware that these problems are associated with the underlying mental health condition. As a result, you might end up being labeled in unpleasant ways.

Patients with major depressive disorder often confide in themselves about their most “embarrassing” symptoms, behaviors, and traits. If you’ve experienced some of these issues, it’s helpful to know that you’re not alone.

To combat the stigma and shame that accompany depression and other mental disorders, it’s important to be open about these nausea-inducing symptoms.

7 Embarrassing Signs of Depression

Based on tens of thousands of Amen Clinics patients, here are 7 of the most common bad habits and unwanted behaviors that depressed people say they experience.

Don’t take a bath

If you’re like many depressed patients, you may not be able to muster the energy to take a bath every day. You might prefer to stay in your pajamas all day – especially if you work from home. You may also not wash your hair or shave, which can make you look unkempt.

When Shelly, a 47-year-old lawyer, visited the Amen clinics, she said, “I can go days without even thinking about taking a shower. But when I have to meet a client in the office, I realize how unprofessional I look and feel embarrassed by my body odor.”

Source: www.doctorulzilei.ro