7 tips to solve acne and oily skin in adulthood | News

Oily skin and acne in adulthood can be an unpleasant surprise, especially if you expected to get rid of these problems after puberty. Unfortunately, hormonal changes, stress, genetics or inappropriate skin care can lead to these problems even in adulthood. The good news is that with proper care and choosing the right products, you can significantly improve the condition of your skin.

What causes oily skin and adult acne?

Before we dive into specific tips, it’s important to understand what actually causes it oily skin and adult acne. Major factors include:

  • Hormonal changes: Hormonal imbalance can be one of the most common causes of acne. For example, increased production of androgenic hormones can stimulate the sebaceous glands, leading to overproduction of sebum.
  • Stress: Stress increases the level of cortisol in the body, which can lead to increased sebum production and subsequently to clogging of pores.
  • Genetics: If your parents have oily skin or acne, chances are you will also face these problems.
  • Unsuitable cosmetic products: Using products that are too greasy or aggressive can irritate the skin even more and cause more sebum production.

1. Choose the right products for your skin

One of the key steps in caring for oily skin is choosing the right cosmetic products. Many people think they have to use harsh cleansers that dry out their skin. But it can actually cause even more oil production as the skin tries to restore its natural hydration.

So what to look for?

  • Cleansing gels with salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide: These ingredients help reduce sebum production and fight acne-causing bacteria.
  • Light moisturizing creams: Even oily skin needs hydration. Choose water-based moisturizers that don’t clog pores.
  • Best non-comedogenic products: This means that the product does not clog pores and is suitable for oily and acne-prone skin.
  • Retinoidy: Products with retinoids help regulate sebum and promote skin cell renewal.

2. Regular and gentle cleaning

Daily cleansing is the basis for managing oily skin and acne. You should cleanse your skin twice a day – morning and night. However, it is important to avoid overly aggressive cleansers that can dry out the skin. When the skin gets too dry, it starts to produce even more oil, which only worsens the oiliness problems.

  • Morning and evening: Use a gentle cleansing gel that removes impurities and excess oil, but leaves the skin hydrated.
  • Cleansing after physical activity: If you sweat during the day (e.g. after exercise), it is a good idea to clean your skin lightly again to avoid clogging the pores with sweat and dirt.

3. Exfoliation – but in moderation

Exfoliation, i.e. the removal of dead skin cells, is an important part of oily skin care. It helps prevent clogging of pores and improves skin texture. However, “less is more” applies here as well. Exfoliating too often can irritate the skin and increase sebum production.

  • Use gentle exfoliating products: Preferably with glycolic or lactic acid content, which are gentle on the skin and at the same time effectively cleans the pores.
  • Twice a week maximum: Avoid daily peeling, which can unnecessarily irritate your skin.

4. Hydration is key

Oily skin still needs hydration! If you don’t hydrate it enough, it paradoxically starts producing more sebum to maintain its moisture. Choose light, gel or water creams that hydrate but do not leave an oily film.

  • Hydrating gels with hyaluronic acid: This type of cream provides deep hydration without weighing down the skin.
  • Fast absorbing products: Choose creams that are quickly absorbed and do not leave a greasy feeling.

5. Pay attention to diet and lifestyle

Diet and lifestyle play a big role in the condition of our skin. Certain foods, such as dairy products or refined sugars, can make acne worse. If you notice that you get more breakouts after a certain food, try cutting back on it or eliminating it altogether.

  • Limit sugars and dairy products: These foods can promote inflammation and increase sebum production.
  • Plenty of water: Hydration from the inside is just as important as the outside. Drink plenty of water every day.
  • Stress under control: Stress can worsen skin conditions, so it’s a good idea to find ways to manage it – whether through yoga, meditation or other relaxation techniques.

6. Hormone therapy can help

If your acne is caused by a hormonal imbalance, hormone therapy may be the answer. A dermatologist or gynecologist may prescribe birth control or other hormonal treatment to help regulate hormone levels and improve skin condition.

7. Consultation with a dermatologist

If you have severe acne problems that don’t respond to conventional care, or if you have acne scars, a consultation with a dermatologist can be key. A dermatologist may prescribe stronger products such as retinoids, antibiotics, or even laser treatments to help get rid of acne.


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Source: zeny.tiscali.cz