8 simple and fast ways to lose weight at home

Who says you can have a perfect figure only if you go to the gym? If it were to be true, it would mean that people who cannot afford a monthly subscription to the gym would be as disadvantaged as those who do not have time to get there. The solution is simple and at hand, namely to you work at home without accessories. There are all kinds of exercises that bring wonderful results, they can be performed at any time of the day depending on the time you have and require maximum 10-15 minute. After a month, you should see the desired results. We have to admit that many people are deeply discouraged when they hear about the gym. Some are embarrassed to exercise in public or find it difficult to follow the instructor’s advice. You have to make an enormous physical effort, so it is not surprising that you can face an annoying and painful muscle fever afterwards. We therefore propose you smart exercises which will help you stick to a daily exercise program, and that’s because they’re fun too you don’t get muscle fever.

1. Scissors

Lie down on a bed with a hard mattress or on a yoga or fitness mat and lift one leg at a time. Scissoring your legs will help you work all the muscles in the lower part of the body, but also the lower part of the abdomen. Necessary 12 repetitions of 2 sets each. Many people will love this exercise because it works both the abdomen and the legs. Let’s not forget that many are faced with fat in these two areas.

2. Jumping the rope

It reminds you of your childhood because it’s a lot of fun and you can burn a lot of calories per minute. You can also listen to music while jumping rope and keep in mind that you are losing weight in all areas of the body, doing cardio and toning your arms and legs. 15-20 minutes of jumping rope per day should be enough. Don’t forget to hydrate well both before and after the rope.

3. Exercise to work the leg from top to bottom

Sit banda exactly as in the given picture and lift each leg to the side in turn. Is recommended 20 repetitions on each leg in 3 sets. You will have thin legs, thin calves and you will get rid of the fat on the inner thighs. Women know how hard it is to remove!

4. Exercise for arms, back, legs and oblique abdominal muscles

All you have to do is kneel on a bed with a hard mattress or on a special fitness mattress, which anyway costs a little, and keep your right arm in front and the opposite leg behind you. The elbow must meet the opposite knee. Necessary 4 sets of 20 repetitions each. Repeat on each side.

5. Leg exercise

Stand in a straight position with your hands on your hips and do lifts in turn with each leg to the side, not in front. You will work your legs, hips and oblique abdominal muscles. They are done 30 repetitions in 4 sets on each leg. see here how you can work the abs from the legs, simpler than the classic abs!

6. A chair and a wonderful exercise

It is an exercise for which you need a chair or the edge of the bed or sofa. Lean back with your arms and do as many push-ups as you can. It would be ideal 60 push-ups with a 10-minute break when you feel the need.

7. Exercise in Bulgarian style

You can use a bench, a fixed chair or the edge of the bed or sofa. Lean on one leg, and the opposite front leg should be flexed because you will leave all your weight on it. It is an exercise with flexions on each leg, and the arms are held in front so that you can control your balance more easily. Necessary 3 sets and 25 repetitions on each leg. You will do cardio and work your inner thighs and rear.

8. Intense cardio exercise

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It’s a good exercise that you can use to replace running in the park or on the treadmill, but also cycling. It is not performed in a hurry, and this is because you have to breathe in and out slowly. Lift each leg in turn as if you were jumping or dancing. Is recommended 3 minutebut the time increases from one week to the next until you reach 20 minutes.

Choose the exercise that suits you and do it daily!

Source: www.dietetik.ro