80% of French people cannot do without their car

A recent study looks at the relationship the French have with their car: 80% think it is an essential choice!

This recent study, conducted by Ipsos for the 2024 Paris Motor Show, focuses on the passion of the French for automobiles.

The French still attached to their car

Ipsos conducted a major survey between July 16 and September 16, 2024, by questioning a panel of people online but also on social networks, to analyze the relationship that the French have with the automobileparticularly in terms of comfort, design, freedom and technology.
While the use of the automobile is increasingly criticized by some, this study aims to reassure us that sensations, emotions and freedom linked to the automobile are still as dear to the French.
Indeed, the car remains an essential element of the daily life of the French, who are no less than 80 % to affirm that they can’t do without it. In addition, 81% of respondents say they are emotionally engaged with their car, which “accompanies them through the different stages of their lives”64% say that “the car is a source of pleasure”while 74% (for daily use) and 86% (for long journeys) of French people favor comfort for their ideal car.

Climate concerns don’t change passion

The study also reveals that almost 8 in 10 people (79%) think that “We are heading towards climate catastrophe if we do not quickly change our habits”. However, the French do not reject the car, since 78% of respondents believe that it is “possible to reconcile automobile pleasure and respect for the environment”.
Indeed, technological progress, particularly in electric and hybrid engines, plays an essential role in this perception: 73% of French people consider that “the environmental impact of cars is constantly improving”. Fortunately, the automobile is still today synonymous with pleasure and passion, and only 12% of respondents identify themselves as “refractory” to the automobile… We are reassured!
Overall, the French particularly appreciate by car, journeys as a couple (79%), trips for holidays or weekends (74%), listening to music (84%), or observing the landscape and the road (51%).

Ipsos also identified certain trends among online car enthusiasts: first car experiences are linked to childhood memories, while preferences generally focus on seat comfort, interior, suspension, and road holding. Self-driving cars, meanwhile, tend to divide opinions: they reduce the driving experience for some, while others welcome the comfort provided by this technology for long journeys.

Photo credit: Shutterstock

Source: www.autoplus.fr