Last fall, the media’s deputy editorial director Carolyn Malcoun Eating Well was looking for a recipe that contained both a warm ingredient and a mix of textures. So, she made an autumnal salad with foods found in her fridge. All approved by Annie Nguyen, dietitian.
Autumn salad, the recipe
Focusing on plant-based recipes to reduce her meat intake and cholesterol levels, Carolyn Malcoun created a fall salad with the following ingredients: kale, red onion, oven-roasted butternut squash, chickpeas and feta.
When it came to seasoning, the nutrition expert went all out with zaatar (a spice blend), olive oil, and lemon juice. The recipe was a hit with the whole family, even her daughter Lila. That’s how the kale salad with roasted squash and chickpeas was born.
Anti-inflammatory properties
In addition to being delicious, this salad has the merit of containing two anti-inflammatory ingredients: kale and butternut squash. And for good reason, these two vegetables are rich in vitamins and antioxidants, thus helping to protect cells from free radicals. In addition, these two foods are low in calories. According to the expert, this autumnal salad also contains “14 grams of protein and 8 grams of fiber per serving.”
Possible alternatives
The advantage of this salad is also that it is very easy to change the ingredients and thus vary the pleasures, without losing any health benefits. Carolyn Malcoun suggests, for example, swapping the butternut squash for sweet potatoes and the chickpeas for black beans. For an extra protein boost, the salad can be garnished with pieces of chicken or a poached egg. Enjoy!
Source : Eating Well