The situation changes hour by hour, the flood forecasts are constantly updated – said the spokesperson of the National Directorate General of Water in the current program of the M1 channel on Monday evening.
Gabriella Siklós emphasized that the rise in the water level of the Danube and the Lajta started very suddenly, this is largely due to Cyclone Boris, which has caused significant rainfall even in recent daysmainly in the Austrian catchment areas of the Danube.
At the same time, the spokesperson also highlighted that, in addition to the constantly changing weather situation, the forecasting of the water level was also made difficult by the fact that, for example, there was a measuring station in Austria that canceled its service and provided incorrect data.
According to Gabriella Siklós, the price wave arrived in Hungary on Monday, the Szigetköz are already protecting themselves against flooding, with sandbags in many settlements, and all water specialists from Eastern Hungary were sent to this part of the country.
Currently, all of their deployable employees are at Lajta and Duna
– emphasized the spokesperson, confirming that both rivers are on the highest level of preparedness, level three.
He added that in the coming days the Danube will almost always peak somewhere, the river may peak at Nagybajcs during the day on Thursday, In Budapest, this is expected to happen on Saturday, where the highest water level is expected to be 860 centimeters.
Regarding defense, Gabriella Siklós also reported on the possible opening of the so-called emergency reservoir.
According to his description, in such cases, they try to “scalp” the peak of the flood, as he put it. they release the water at a good moment to a larger area.
With this procedure, Mosonmagyaróvár, for example, may suffer minor flood damage, a decision on this is expected on Tuesday
– said Gabriella Siklós.