Your next doctor might be a hologram

Cancer patients in the United States could find themselves sitting across from a hologram of a doctor at their next appointment.

You may remember the name Portl. That was the name of the American company that introduced a box three years ago, with which someone can appear life-size as a hologram on the other side of the world. The company is now called Proto and the technology is used in practice: in healthcare.

Specifically in the city of Memphis at the West Cancer Center. It should make doctor visits easier for people from remote towns. This way, patients don’t have to drive as far, and the conversation feels more personal than via the screen of a smartphone.

The realistic lighting of the hologram makes it seem as if the doctor is actually sitting opposite you. However, it can also be the other way around. Website Fast Company reports that in India a clinic is interested in sending patients to specialists for diagnoses via hologram.

Proto is working on AI technology to further expand the possibilities of holograms, in order to make healthcare even more accessible. For example, in the future it should be possible to imitate the voice of the doctor and translate it into all different languages.

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