why and how to get some?

Making a citrus fruit like a lemon tree bear fruit does not seem complicated and yet, some do not flower, thus offering no fruit. For what reasons? How to make a lemon tree finally offer lemons? All our advice.

Written by CecileJul 17, 2024, 4:29 PM

Citrus trees in bloom are magnificent! What a pleasure to have them in your garden or on your terrace. But when they don’t bloom, what a disappointment… Especially when you think you’ve given them everything a citrus tree needs. Don’t despair: seeing your lemon tree bloom is entirely possible!

My lemon tree is not flowering and is not producing lemons: why?

Despite all the attention you give him, your lemon tree is not blooming and can’t offer you lemons? First of all, you should know that the flowering period of a lemon tree depends on its variety. Some flower several times a year, like the 4-season lemon tree, which as its name suggests flowers a little in March, then a lot in May, to flower again slightly in June and finish flowering in summer. As for the more common varieties of lemon trees, flowering usually occurs in spring. As for lemons, they usually appear from the end of September until November.

If you haven’t had the chance to attend yet the flowering of your lemon treeit is not without reason. For a citrus fruit to be productive, several conditions must be met.

A lemon tree that is too young does not flower immediately.

To start, Isn’t your lemon tree too young to flower? ? Indeed, a small lemon tree purchased just a year ago is unlikely to immediately produce lemons. Fruit trees generally take 4 to 5 years to begin flowering which will result in fruiting.

It therefore takes a few years for a lemon tree to start producing lemons. A fruiting that will be all the more important when the tree has reached maturity.

The solution: bet on patience!

Beware of nitrogen fertilizers used in large quantities

Other reason why a fruit tree does not flower : the supply of too much nitrogen fertilizer. While this type of fertilizer will allow your lemon tree to be vigorous and display beautiful green foliage, in the long run, it can harm its flowering. Indeed, nitrogen fertilizers are ideal for strengthening the branches and foliage, which is beneficial at the beginning of growth. But if the lemon tree benefits from too much nitrogen to the detriment of carbon, then the development of its vegetation will tend to take precedence over that of its flowers. An imbalance which can therefore explain why the lemon tree cannot produce lemons.

The solution: go easy on nitrogen fertilizers. Prefer the contribution of slow-release citrus fertilizers, richer in potash. If you have tended to give too much nitrogen to your citrus, do not prune it until the ratio between nitrogen and carbon is rebalanced.

Fertilizing your lemon tree: how to do it?

To make a lemon tree fruitful, fertilization is therefore important. Be careful, however, Lemon trees should be fertilized moderately. Potted lemon trees can be fertilized once a month. This can be liquid fertilizer diluted in the watering water, or organic fertilizers such as dehydrated manure. As for lemon trees in the ground, fertilization carried out with compost is ideal. It will then be necessary to lightly scratch the earth at its base, to integrate this compost into the substrate. In winter, the supply of fertilizing fertilizer must stop to respect a rest period necessary for the good health of the shrub.

Also read: 4 natural fertilizer recipes

To produce lemons, a lemon tree must be properly watered.

While watering fruit trees like citrus fruits is essential, it’s all a question of dosage. In fact, to flower a lemon tree needs water… in the right quantity, namely: neither too much nor too little. Lemon trees hate droughtwhich can quickly become problematic during periods of high heat, especially when these are accompanied by water restrictions. However, there are solutions to continue watering your garden if this is the case.

Water stress, whether it is a lack of watering or overwatering, can prevent the citrus fruit from flowering. The lemon tree, which comes from humid and hot tropical regions, needsa regular supply of waterThe worst thing for him is the alternation of episodes of drought and excessive watering.

La solution : If you tend to overwater your fruit tree, reduce the frequency of watering until the soil dries out, then gradually resume regular watering, but adjust the amount of water. If the lemon tree is in a pot, do not let water stagnate in the saucer. Also wear attention to the soil in which your lemon tree is installed. If the substrate is too compact, then the roots can more easily be drowned in the event of abundant watering. In this case, prefer to repot your lemon tree in more aerated soil. Also avoid water that is too hard..

A lemon tree with lemons

How often should you water a lemon tree?

To know if a lemon tree is overwatered or, on the contrary, not enough, touch the soil between two waterings. If the substrate is dry over 1 cm, you can proceed to water it. Depending on the weather conditions, watering will then vary from once a week for a lemon tree in the ground to once a day for a lemon tree in a pot, when it is hot.

A lemon tree that is too exposed to the wind will have difficulty flowering.

Citrus fruits don’t like draftseven less so when it comes to real gusts of wind. The wind is indeed likely to dry out a lemon tree and in winter, to accentuate the cold. So pay attention to the weather conditions when you decide to take a potted lemon tree outside after the winter.

La solution : move your potted lemon tree to protect it from drafts. During the summer period, install it if possible in partial shade, in order to limit the risks of drought. In winter, protect it from the cold by installing it in a bright room with a moderate temperature. Verandas are ideal. If your lemon tree is in the ground, Plant shrubs with dense, evergreen foliage next to it. to protect it from drafts. You can also place windbreaks around it. During the winter period, also remember to mulch the base of your lemon tree in the ground and surround it with a winter sailto protect it from frost.

These few tips should help you finally see your lemon tree bloom!falling for somethingGrow your citrus fruitsGrow your citrus fruits in the ground or in pots

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