Human jealousy, it seems, knows no bounds. Since the firefighters help transport children to school competitions, they should earn an application to the state office.
Firefighters in some municipalities drive students to various competitions and other events. Recently, when the prices of school transport have risen tremendously, primary schools are increasingly asking them for help. This kind of practice is clearly frowned upon by some carriers. As we managed to find out unofficially, one of them is said to have even complained to the Labor Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia, saying that the firefighters were “stealing” his bread.
They are awaiting official notification
Unofficial information is circulating among firefighters that the inspector in the mentioned case even decided that it was unfair competition. This decision surprised many in the fire department, as they have been doing this kind of practice for many years. Officially, they have not yet received any notification about this case. After this event, questions also arose as to whether they could still drive students. The police should assure them that they can also transport elementary school children without any problems, but the vehicle must be in perfect condition and the driver must not be a beginner. Also, a sign with the words “carrying children” must be placed on the windshield. Based on the change in legislation, a vehicle with a maximum of eight seats in addition to the driver’s seat no longer needs a tachograph, and children must be at least 135 centimeters tall. Also, these vehicles no longer have to undergo technical inspections every six months.
The demand for transportation is increasing
In the past school year in Markovci, firefighters carried out eight transports of elementary school children, mostly to various school competitions. This has been a long-standing practice for Marko firefighters, and many of these children are also involved in the fire department. At the same time, it should be emphasized that fire brigades have a lot of experience with this type of transport, as they often drive young people to firefighting competitions and other events. PGD Cirkulane has also been helping the local primary school with the transport of children for many years, so far they have not had any problems in this regard. On an annual level, they carry out around ten such transports. President Christian Kokot at the same time, he emphasized that recently the demand is really a bit higher than it used to be. School children are also transported by firemen from Zvarški and Majšperk, as well as some others. Everywhere they ensure that the safety of children comes first, as they use modern vehicles equipped with seat belts for transportation. All vehicles are regularly inspected and maintained. Drivers who transport children are experienced and trained to drive safely and handle emergency situations.
The school can choose the children’s transporter itself
As explained by the Ministry of Education, the participation of students in competitions and the organization of related transport are not regulated at the legal level, which means that in these cases it is a matter of school autonomy. “We have no information about the organization of transportation, nor are we aware of the practice of transporting students with fire engines. The school itself decides who will drive the children to the events, what kind of payment they will receive for this, and also agree in advance on mutual obligations when transporting children.” they wrote at the ministry. In case of possible accidents, from a legal point of view, it is determined individually, according to the circumstances of each case.