You know WHAT to look out for…


Before swimming, you should pay attention to the color and smell, as well as the surroundings of the water surface. Experts have pointed this out.

Source: TASR/Ján Krošlák

The safest swimming is at officially operated swimming pools and water bodies whose quality is monitored by public health authorities. This was stated by Tatiana Červeňová, chief hygienist of the Slovak Republic. People can check the current status on the website of the Office of Public Health (ÚVZ) SR. Hygienists recommend paying attention to the color or smell of the water, as well as the surroundings of the water surface.

Watch out for this

“It is safest to swim in officially operated swimming pools and water bodies whose quality is monitored by public health authorities. Before visiting them, it is important to check their current status, for example on the website,“ Červeňová explained.

There is no need to enter the water if it has a repulsive effect based on its color or smell.

It is also important to notice the surroundings of the site. “From a health point of view, it is not safe to swim in natural bodies of water where waterfowl congregate, as they can also carry some pathogenic microbes, such as salmonella. You should also consider swimming in waters near which there have been dead animals or where wastewater from the sewage system has been discharged. brought up by Darko Babjak from the Department of Environmental Hygiene, ÚVZ.

Also at swimming pools

In the case of public swimming pools, you should pay attention to damage or slimy coatings on the walls and tiles. “If the pools are in such condition, we advise not to swim in them,” added Babjak.

In general, poor water quality is particularly dangerous at swimming pools with poor quality operation, which means that the water is not sufficiently exchanged and disinfected there or that the permitted number of visitors is exceeded. “The business card of insufficient operation can also be an unsatisfactory surface of the walls of the pools (leads to the formation of coatings), their insufficient mechanical cleaning or poor maintenance of filters for the treatment of recirculating water,”

stated Zuzana Valovičová from the environmental hygiene department of the ÚVZ.

Before entering the pool, visitors should check the color of the water and its smell. They should also take a shower and walk through the wading pool before entering the pool. People with communicable diseases should not enter the pool. At the swimming pools, it is necessary to use the toilet and observe the principles of personal hygiene.

Photo: illustrative

SWIM SAFELY IN NATURAL WATERS • Do not enter unknown stagnant or flowing water, • deep water…

Posted by Office of Public Health of the Slovak Republic on Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Source: TASR
