EU gives Meta time limit to resolve payment model

The EU has now decided to proceed with its criticism of Meta’s payment model for Facebook and Instagram.

The EU has recently directed sharp criticism at Meta for the company’s payment model used within the EU. Now EU decided to go ahead with its criticism and has now given Meta a time limit to respond to or resolve the reasons for the criticism.

The EU criticizes Meta on four points which, in summary, are said to be about making it difficult for users to choose and almost bringing them behind the scenes. The perception is that Meta is incorrectly using the term “free”. Since users provide their personal data, which Meta in turn makes money from, the EU considers the services not free. The EU is also critical that Meta is allegedly using a tactic regarding payment so that users feel forced to make a quick decision without warning or time to consider their decision.

Criticism is also leveled at the user interface and the terminology is considered confusing.

Meta has now had until September 1 to respond to or resolve the reasons for the criticism.
