Night of concern for the future in Scampia, after the tragic collapse at Vela Celeste. Today, a relief rally promoted by singer Franco Ricciardi.
The night passed in Scampia, not ‘a night of Edwardian memory. So yesterday’s problems are exactly the same today: what to do? Where to go? For now, only a portion of the 800 evacuees from Vela Celeste have returned home after the collapse that caused 2 deaths and 13 injuries. Some have asked friends and relatives for help, others are resorting to gyms, associations and schools made available in the area and others have occupied the Faculty of Nursing Sciences on Viale della Resistenza in Scampia. The rector of Federico II has said that the University will keep its doors open to those in need.
But what about the future? For now, we are thinking about the immediate present. Also today, a summit at the Prefecture to understand how the situation of the evacuees will evolve and above all to understand the degree of danger of the Vela where on Monday evening a landing collapsed, falling for meters and dragging children, women, men. There is an investigation by the Prosecutor’s Office and two wings of the structure are under seizure, so those people will certainly not return.
The singer Franco Ricciardi, originally from the Northern area of Naples, launched a sort of appointment on Instagram, together with other activists and local workers: today, at 4 pm, everyone in front of the University of Scampia. But not only to show solidarity, but also to help materially: they need Toilet paper; Scottex; sanitary towels; napkins; baby wipes, diapers, baby food, etc. “I’ll be there – he says – I’ll wait for you”.