Thriller with the disappearance of a young skier in Seli Imathia – Fire department operation in progress

A skier is missing in Seli Imathia.

In fact, according to information, this is a young man, 20-25 years old, whose traces were lost while he had gone to the ski resortin Seli Imathias.

The Fire Service was informed about the disappearance of the man from the ski lift in Imathia, at approximately 18:30 on Monday afternoon (6/1/25).

There are already 12 firefighters with a vehicle at the scene, participating in the search for him. Also, men from EMAK are expected to arrive in Thessaloniki shortly.

According to Forecast Weather Greece, the young man originally from Kilkis had gone to Seli with his group from Thessaloniki. At some point, the rest of the party realized that they hadn’t seen his friend in the last few hours.

An alarm was immediately raised, while up to this time, no trace of the young man has been found.
