A bridge built at a cost of 40 lakh rupees has been lying unused for more than nine years in Hathajari. This situation has arisen due to the lack of renovation of the connecting road which is only 300 meters on one side and from the bridge to Sekhal Fakirhat Bazar on the south side.
As a result, thousands of people from Mekhal Union of the upazila and several nearby villages have to travel four to five kilometers to reach the Chittagong Rangamati highway through the banks of the Kariya Dighi. However, if the road on both sides of the bridge is made suitable for traffic, then the Chittagong Rangamati Regional Highway and Hathazari Oxygen Highway can be easily reached by using this bridge through Mekhal Fakirhat Bazar.
According to the local people, the severe traffic congestion at Hathajari municipality bus station and college gate area will also be reduced a lot. Besides, the victims of the neighborhood said that they are wasting time as well as money. They demanded to repair the connection road between Chittagong Rangamati highway with Mekhal Aziziya Mojidia road as soon as possible.
It is known that under the Directorate of Disaster Management, the 39 feet long bridge was constructed on the dead end of the Mekhal Fakirhat-Fatika Abdul Latif road at a cost of about 40 lakh rupees in the last fiscal year 2014-2015.
However, even after nine years of construction, no vehicle has been able to cross the bridge. However, even if it is possible to walk across the bridge on foot, it is not possible due to the fact that various sticks are placed on the bridge.
This image can be seen when visiting the bridge recently. Locals said that almost every night, a gambling party with liquor, gazza, and yaba is held on this bridge. They urgently demanded to renovate the connecting road on both sides to make the bridge usable amid the crisis.
Hathajari Upazila Project Implementation Officer Niaz Morshed said that necessary measures will be taken in consultation with UNO Sir.
Hathajari Upazila Executive Officer ABM Moshiuzzaman said that for the development of communication system and the convenience of the people of that area, necessary measures will be taken very soon.
Source: dainikazadi.net