Who escapes the little train ordinance? One million pensioners…

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In 2025, Romanians’ pensions will be frozen based on the measures established in the austerity ordinance, also known as the “train ordinance”. However, approximately one million pensioners will be able to benefit from the 12% indexation. People who benefit from the minimum pension could benefit from a financial compensation of 520 lei, and the Government is examining the option of applying the 12% indexation, initially announced.

Approximately one million pensioners could benefit from the 12% indexation!

At the moment, almost one million pensioners collect the guaranteed minimum pension of 1,281 lei. If the promised 12% indexation had been granted, for this category there would have been an increase of 150 lei, up to 1,481 lei. However, the Ciolacu 2 Cabinet gave up the planned increase, citing the lack of financial resources.

According to the new pension law, the value of the pension for those with at least 25 years of work will increase as a result of the granting of bonus points, a fact that should significantly improve the value of pensions in the coming years.

The new calculation of the pension will be made by the formula VPR (value of the reference point) x the total number of accumulated points, where the VPR is set at 81 lei.

The total number of points includes:

  • Contribution points: for years worked with contribution to the public pension system.
  • Stability points: which reward additional years of work, as follows: 0.50 points/year for 26-30 years of work;
    0.75 points/year for 31-35 years of work;
  • 1 point/year for over 35 years of work.
  • Points for assimilated periods: awarded for military, unemployment, college or child-rearing years (0.25 points for each year), write StirileBZI.

Tabletop solutions for vulnerable retirees

Elderly people who benefit from the minimum pension should no longer receive the 1,281 lei based on their contributions. To reach the minimum of 1,281 lei, the differences are borne from the state budget. This supplement is on average 528 lei, and the counties with the highest amounts are Maramureș (613 lei), Hunedoara (598 lei), Cluj (596 lei) and Bistrița-Năsăud (591 lei).

Tanczos Barna, the new Minister of Finance, stated that solutions are being sought for approximately 920,000 pensioners who collect the minimum pension. The government is currently examining the possibility of either implementing the promised 12% indexation or providing additional financial support in the form of vouchers or direct card transfers.

“In the next two weeks, we will have discussions with all the ministries, on all relevant budgets, including the Ministry of Labor. We will analyze the proposals that all these ministers will think about. Once again, the main objective for 2025 is to be able to pay what was due in November as the level of salary, pension, social allowances, social protection, the amounts that were in force in November 2024”, explained Tanczos Barna .

Tanczos Barna suggests that this year no one will benefit from better living conditions, especially pensioners, who are always penalized for the government’s mistakes.

“The year 2024 meant a lot of challenges for our country and not only in terms of budget expenditures, but on all levels, being an election year, being a year in which we have a war on the border. Salary increases were made, pensions were recalculated. These are definite commitments of the Romanian state to budget holders and pensioners, regarding at least the payment of salaries and pensions at the level of 2024. My personal objective, as Minister of Finance, is for this country to have a stable, sustainable budget , predictable in 2025, otherwise these rights will be paid in December, and in November, and in September and so on”, concluded Tanczos Barna, who left understood that almost a million pensioners could benefit from the 12% indexation.

Darling Theona

I discovered my passion for journalism several years ago and I can say that the profession is not easy at all, but extremely demanding, full of dynamism, which brings new challenges every day. At the same time, it also involves a large dose of responsibility. Thank you both for your appreciation and constructive criticism!

Source: www.doctorulzilei.ro