“Hungary will become another Belarus”

“Although the Polish public expects that the thieves, fraudsters and cronies of the previous government will be brought to justice, many people who are threatened with criminal proceedings find refuge in Hungary. If this trend continues, the rule of law will suffer in the entire European Union,” believes the leader of the left-wing Polish movement Krytyka Polityczna, the director of the Institute for Advanced Study in Warsaw. Project Syndicatein his analysis published on

Poland would turn to the Court of Justice of the EU because its former deputy minister was granted political asylum in Hungary

According to Slawomir Sierakowski, Viktor Orbán did not start protecting corrupt politicians today. He recalled that Daniel Obajtek, the former head of the Polish state-owned oil company Orlen, was also hiding here, and the legally convicted former Prime Minister of North Macedonia, Nikola Gruevski, also fled to Hungary to avoid prison. But this was also the case with former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, who was investigated after his unsuccessful coup attempt following his election defeat, but found a hiding place in the Hungarian embassy there.

The former Orlen leader wanted by the Polish authorities is hiding in Budapest Former Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro fled to the Hungarian embassy after his passport was confiscated due to the accusation of the coup attempt Nikola Gruevszki was photographed in a downtown restaurant

PiS and Orbán may have won a small, temporary victory over Donald Tusk, but in the longer term the Hungarian prime minister may be the bigger loser. Although he is now euphoric because of Donald Trump’s victory, his country will soon pay the price for cozying up to Russian President Vladimir Putin, Sierakowski explains.

According to him, the stakes are huge, so the EU cannot afford to turn a blind eye. He wrote: “For the past decade, Orbán has waged a political war with the liberal democratic West, becoming a creature of Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping. As his dependence on them grows, so will his efforts to subvert European democracy. And the more it is isolated within Europe, the easier it will be for Russia and China to exploit its weakness.

Hungary will become another Belarus, which is so dependent on foreign dictators that its sovereignty loses its meaning. (…) If you only have friends like Trump, Xi and Putin, then you don’t really have any friends.”

Source: nepszava.hu