When I wanted to study Simone de Beauvoir, they asked “Who is she? Is she Sartre’s wife?”: Djamila Ribeiro is “the most read intellectual in Brazil”

“He didn’t really have the option” of choosing paths that did not presuppose “critically reflecting” on his time and mobilizing to change what he believes “needs to be changed”. Today, philosopher, activist, non-fiction author and professor in New York, Djamila Ribeiro is, with four published books, the “most read intellectual in Brazil”.

In June, he was in Portugal to promote his latest, “Letters to My Grandmother”, in which he revisits his childhood and adolescence and, also on this side of the ocean, everything has been “going very well”.

So much so, that he plans to return in 2025. This time, to launch an “unpublished book”: a compilation of the weekly columns that, since 2019, he has been writing in the Brazilian newspaper “Folha de S. Paulo”.

To be published in two volumes by Caminho editorial, the columns address “the context”, “the subjects” and “the debates” surrounding the struggles, “inseparable”, which he made transversal to his personal, academic and professional trajectory: race and gender.

Source: expresso.pt