Timo Soini

Life surprises you and it seems that everything is just speeding up. We should look to the future, although some people like the memories of the past and even change the past to their liking. Time for golden memories. Before, there were snowier winters and hotter summers and everything was better anyway.

Where have the New Year’s resolutions been forgotten? Before, they were destroyed for many weeks. Who promised to stop smoking (even more people have quit), many have promised to lose weight and reduce intoxication, at least a non-stop January.

A New Year’s resolution can be either public or secret. If you announce it to everyone, the pressure to keep the promise increases and close circle monitoring is guaranteed, or you promise yourself in your spirit to make a change and improve. The most important thing is that the promise is kept. We people oppress anyone, but the effort and will must be sincere.

I swear too much. A Christian man and the devil calls. There is a contradiction where there is room for repentance. The trouble has been marinated and cocooned for decades. It manifests itself in connection with great emotions, especially when watching sports, and I have to admit it; in monitoring common issues. Due to lack of time and space, I won’t give examples, but I know all the devils and they have been in active use.

I dare not promise that I will be able to stop swearing, but I will make a secret promise to myself, which will be printed on this page, that I will reduce it. Because a lot of people have had to listen to it and I’ve toured a lot myself. An emotional man has things to do and mess around with.

You don’t necessarily need a new year to make good resolutions. You can do them every day. Still, it’s good to revive some good old habits. It’s really invigorating to believe and trust that you’ll get back as many fingers as you give in a handshake.

Good manners cost nothing. Good day, thank you and good night are nice to hear. Sweet and bitter water do not flow from the same source. Happy New Year to Hymy readers. Let’s be charming ourselves this year as well.
