10 tips for SEO content that performs – Marketing

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SEO optimization of your content will help generate qualified traffic on your site, improve your visibility on search engines and achieve your objectives. Implementing a natural referencing strategy, also called SEO (Search Engine Optimization), is a complex process that requires precise actions. Discover 10 tips to apply to obtain efficient SEO optimized content.

Discover 10 tips for obtaining effective SEO optimized content

So that your content is optimized for SEO and positions itself prominently on the results pages of search engines (SERP), there are 10 tips that your web editor must keep in mind.

1 – Select relevant primary and secondary keywords

To successfully position your article on Internet users’ queries, it is imperative to select a main keyword and two or three targeted secondary keywords. Likewise, the occurrence of these key terms in the text must be respected for good optimisation SEO content. To help you with this process, you can use tools like Google Keyword Planner or Semruch.

2 – Use a semantic field in line with the subject and the targeted audience

On the same principle as keywords, you must identify the semantic field (group of words) that relates to your topic and use these terms when writing your optimized content SEO.

3 – Define a clear and structured tree structure

The structure of the text and the organization of the paragraphs must allow a fluid and dynamic reading of your optimized content SEO. To do this, you must prioritize your different paragraphs with H1, H2, H3 tags. To obtain an effective text structure, take inspiration from the inverted pyramid technique, which consists of positioning important information at the beginning of the text then detailing additional information later. And for easier understanding of the text, use the 5W technique (who/what/where/when/why), questions that allow you to approach the subject from all angles.

4 – Take care of the title and the hook of the text

It is essential to pay particular attention to the title and hook of your optimized content SEO. These are the first two elements read by Internet users, and their quality, their interest and their relevance to the subject will determine whether they continue reading the text or abandon it.

5 – Respond to search intentions

To optimize your text and allow it to be positioned on Internet users’ queries, you must take into account the search intentions associated with the requests entered. L’search intentalso called search intent, corresponds to the information that interests the Internet user.

6 – Optimize SEO tags

Optimizing SEO tags is essential for your text to be well placed in the SERPs on targeted queries. This involves optimizing the meta-description, balise title and the url of the page with your main keyword. This same keyword must also be integrated into the title H1 and the first subtitle H2. Secondary keywords can be used in other subtitles. If you insert multimedia elements into your optimized content SEO, you will need to optimize the associated tags in the same way.

7 – Implement an internal networking strategy

The mesh of your optimized content SEO with other texts on your site helps to make it responsive on its theme on search engines. By linking pages together appropriately, you create a semantic cocoon that improves the visibility of your pages.

8 – Identify non-competing referring sources and integrate URLs into your text

To consolidate your foundation, complete your strategy internal mesh by adding links that point to partner sites or sites that are authoritative on the subject covered in your optimized content SEO.

9 – Write original content

The quality and consistency of your text are just as fundamental to positioning it on your keywords in the SERPs of search engines. You must take care of your content, both in form and substance. The text must be original (beware of the counterproductive effects of duplicate content), informative, dynamic, and accessible to your readership. To be sure to have a quality contentyou can also entrust your editorial project to a reputable content marketing agency.

10 – Write an article longer than that of your competitors

This technique allows you to differentiate yourself from competing content. To do this, it is best to use a specialist writer on the subject you want to cover so that the entire text has a consistent level of quality. The second advantage of a longer text is that it offers opportunities foroptimisation SEO much higher than those of a text of 500 words for example.

Why optimize content for SEO?

You will have understood, theoptimisation SEO of your text is an essential strategy to reach your target, ensure the visibility of your activity on the search engines and develop your business. THE natural referencing is the most effective solution to sustain your presence on your online market. Depending on the sector of activity, competition for requests is more or less strong. The fact remains that to obtain a qualified traffic on your pages, it is necessary to apply a SEO strategy efficient, based on these 10 tips.

Your optimized content SEO, which is one of the most powerful levers of web marketing, ensures the development of the volume of organic traffic on specific requests. A quality content allows you to capture the attention of the Internet user and achieve your objectives. It is also possible to integrate CTAs (call to action) into your optimized content SEO. The latter participate in improving theuser experience and allow it to be engaged in a conversion funnel. The purpose of this digital button is in fact to encourage people to take an action, fill out a form, receive a white paper on the subject, ask for a call back.

In addition to these 10 tips that it is advisable to apply to optimize your editorial content, there are many other actions to apply your SEO strategy to all the components of your site internet. To obtain concrete and lasting results, entrust your strategy to natural referencing to your SEO agency!

Source: www.ecommercemag.fr