For just a few tickets, a car enthusiast had the chance to make his dream of a Honda Beat come true.
After 15 ans d”obsessionan enthusiast was finally able to get his dream car. This is a Honda Beat and he managed to acquire it for just a few tickets. That’s a truly ridiculous price for a Japanese kei car legend, even with some structural damage.
A Honda Beat repaired in no time
The Honda Beat is a small convertible belonging to the category of in cars. This is a very popular miniature car segment in Japan, much less so in France. With a 3-cylinder engine 63 horses and a very compact design, this car embodies the simplicity in its pure state. Edwin Klinkenberg Evan, YouTube channel co-host Top Dead Centerfound this Honda Beat during a auction damaged vehicles.
The car’s insurance said it had “structural damage”but the reality was much less dramatic. The only real problem with the Honda was a slight deformation on the rear part. Edwin simply used his weight to straighten the bent section. No specialist body shop equipment was required to carry out this minor repair.
Besides the straightening, the Honda Beat still needed a new pair of taillights and some retouching of paint. By investing around 50 eurosshe was ready to hit the road again. This is a small feat for a car so rare and so appreciated by the Japanese community.
Vehicles designed for Japanese cities
Unlike micro-vehicles like the Peel P50kei cars are real cars, capable of driving through narrow and crowded streets. Thanks to their unique charm and their practicality, their popularity extends well beyond Japan, notably with the Honda Beat. For Edwin, this car is more than just a means of transportation. This represents the realization of his dream for a long time. This was reinforced by the pleasure of restoring it himself at a lower cost.
With a little patience and of resourcefulnessit is therefore possible to realize your automotive dreams without breaking the bank. Sometimes damaged vehicle auctions provide invaluable opportunities for car enthusiasts. You just need a little luck and dare to make a purchase that can still become risky.
By repairing his new Honda Beat for less than 50 euros, Edwin therefore gave a great lesson in ingenuityproof that automotive passion can overcome any obstacle.