Germany is already mining lithium… they will mine it even more and they have less lithium than Serbia! (VIDEO)

JOURNALIST from Deutschland, Srećko Matić, spoke to N1 about lithium mining in Germany.

– Germany is actually already mining lithium, it is not mining as much as it would like to mine, on a larger scale, and in order to meet the needs of German industry. For now, mining is on a small scale and on a larger scale it could only begin in a few years. One of those two projects (Zinwald) is located in the east of Germany, on the border with the Czech Republic. Research has shown in recent years that large deposits of lithium lie underground. Those deposits were based on about 125 thousand tons of lithium, but many studies have shown that the reserves are approximately three times larger, somewhere between 420, 430 thousand tons (Serbia has 1.2 million tons). That ore would be mined in the classic way – the earth would be dug up and then the ore would be extracted and cleaned, just the way it used to be done in classic mining! Germany would extract ore as well as process it, so that the traumatic experience it had with the beginning of the war in Russia would not happen, so it would not want to repeat that dependence on other countries, especially with raw materials for modern industry such as lithium! – he said.

BONUS VIDEO: The opposition media continues the terrible campaign of lies about the lithium mine!

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