3 solutions (little known) to act on vaginal dryness during menopause

Balancing the vaginal flora with probiotics

The flora vaginal is a fragile ecosystem, protected by bacteria called lactobacilli. When their quantity decreases, the vaginal environment becomes less acidic, and the other microorganisms that make up the flora vaginal proliferate to the point of unbalancing it.

Probiotics, whether used orally or vaginal, help restore and balance this flora vaginal weakened by menopause, sexual intercourse and certain repeated attacks (swimming pool, irritating underwear, poor hygiene, etc.). They also strengthen the local immune system, thus reducing the risk of infections and fungal infections.

In practice:

  • Orally, take 1 capsule per day, if possible in the morning on an empty stomach, for at least 1 month.
  • By way vaginal : one egg once a day, or every other day, depending on the laboratory, for a minimum of 2 weeks.

Attract water with hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is a polysaccharide whose natural production decreases over time. Present in large quantities in the dermis and to a lesser extent in the epidermis, it acts like a natural sponge to attract and retain water (it is capable of retaining up to a thousand times its weight in water!).

Result: it contributes to hydration, but also to the firmness of the skin and mucous membranes, to their volume and tone.

In practice:

In gel or ovule, apply hyaluronic acid vaginally every day for one to two weeks, then for maintenance every other day, over periods of 3 months, to be repeated if necessary. Before sex, it can even be used as a lubricant.

Improve the flexibility of the mucous membrane with coconut and evening primrose oils

Coconut oil has the advantage of remaining on the surface creating a fatty veil which nourishes, protects and prevents the mucous membrane from drying out. It is also antifungal against the proliferation of bad vaginal bacteria and promotes healing when there are microcracks.

“And to improve the flexibility of the mucous membrane, it can be combined with evening primrose oil, a source of omega 6 and 9, as well as vitamin E with nourishing and emollient properties. It also contains phytoestrogens whose production decreases at the time of menopause and which are nevertheless necessary for maintaining supple skin. explains Françoise Couic-Marinier, pharmacist and aromatherapist.

In practice:

  • Warm the coconut oil in the palm of your hand, mix with the evening primrose oil and apply locally once a day, in the evening, as long as symptoms persist and occasionally as needed. Do not apply before using condoms, as these oils can make them porous.
  • You can also opt for the oral route with capsules of evening primrose and coconut oil (500 mg/day), divided into 2 doses (morning and evening), 3 weeks per month.
  • Avoid if you have a history of hormone-dependent cancer.

Homeopath’s remedies

“Alumina acts very effectively on the symptoms of drought vaginal (tightness, overheating, itching, etc.). It thus helps the mucous membrane to regain a better level of hydration. explains Dr François Mulet, homeopath.

And for broader action in the field, notably estrogen deficiency, nothing like Sepia officinalis which treats the symptoms of drought vaginal and calms other signs of menopause (bladder pain during organ descent, acne, reduced libido, etc.).

In practice:

5 granules of Alumina 9 CH, morning and evening and 5 granules of Sepia officinalis 15 CH, once a day, as long as the symptoms persist. To be completed with the local application of a calendula-based ointment with moisturizing and soothing properties.

Nos experts :

Françoise Couic-Marinier, pharmacist and aromatherapist.

Dr François Mulet, general practitioner, homeopath, author of My home cards (ed. Leduc)

Source: www.topsante.com