Vocational School Skill Contest, Daihatsu’s Efforts to Improve Vocational Education

DAPURPACUID – Daihatsu has completed the Daihatsu Vocational School Skill Contest 2024 competition, at the Sunter Assembly Plant PT Astra Daihatsu Motor, North Jakarta, last December 19.

The contest, which competes for teachers and students of Daihatsu-assisted vocational schools specifically majoring in automotive, has entered its 8th year of implementation to date.

In total, this national scale competition was attended by 445 vocational schools from all over Indonesia, which competed in two categories, namely students and teachers with various testing modes.

The skills test is the ability to analyze and solve problems or troubleshoot on cars, as well as carry out regular car maintenance.

In an official broadcast, Thursday (9/1), PT ADM continues to be committed to being present and contributing positively, including supporting improving the quality of education and producing superior human resources in Indonesia.

“This vocational skills competition event in Indonesia is a form of Daihatsu’s support for the development of the younger generation, so that they can produce skilled and competent workers in the automotive sector, and are better prepared to enter the world of work.”

In this contest, 3 vocational schools won, namely SMK NU Ma’arif Kudus – Central Java, which won first place. Followed by SMK Ma’arif NU 1 Purbolinggo Sumatra as second place, and SMKN 1 Purwosari East Java in third place.

The winners received awards, plus the best student category also received a full scholarship from ASTRAtech worth hundreds of millions of rupiah.

Daihatsu also gave appreciation to the five finalists in the form of donations of Daihatsu car engines, as a practical tool to improve their skills development.

As part of a series of competitions, Daihatsu also donated 10 transmission units to ASTRAtech as a form of the company’s commitment to supporting the world of education.

This donation reflects the collaboration between Daihatsu and the education sector, not only at the vocational level, but also at the tertiary level in advancing the quality of human resources in the automotive industry who are ready to work.

This is expected to increase the link and match between the world of education and the latest needs of the automotive industry, as well as provide motivation for vocational students and teachers to continue to improve their abilities and update on increasingly developing automotive technology.

For information, this competition is part of one of PT Astra Daihatsu Motor’s social responsibility (CSR) programs, namely the Pintar Bersama Daihatsu pillar.

So far, Daihatsu has established strategic collaboration with vocational schools throughout Indonesia, by providing industry-based curriculum and teacher training.

Including support for a training center (DOJO Center) as a manufacturing training facility, with Daihatsu standards according to the latest automotive industry needs. (dpid/TH)

Source: dapurpacu.id