These 2 changes to your face may be telltale signs of a serious heart problem, reveals GP

We speak of heart failure when the cardiac muscle (the heart, therefore) finds itself unable to normally ensure the propulsion of blood in the body.

Heart failure, responsible for abnormal fatigue and shortness of breath during exercise

Relatively common (this pathology affects between 10% and 20% of adults over 70), heart failure is no less serious: patients who suffer from it may present with respiratory problems, chronic fatigue, pain chest pain, edema, rhythmic disorders… They also have an increased risk of stroke.

How do you know if you have heart failure? Several “classic” symptoms have been identified by Science: it is therefore recommended to quickly consult your general practitioner if you are over 70 and you quickly become out of breath during exercise, or if you are constantly tired. ), that you have less appetite, that you suffer from heart palpitations and/or chest pain, that you urinate abnormally often…

Two signs can be observed on the face

However, heart failure can also cause lesser-known symptoms, particularly in the face. Questioned by our British colleagues from the Daily Mail, Dr. Donald Grant (who is a general practitioner in Great Britain) advises us to remain vigilant for 2 specific signs: firstly, abnormal swelling of the face. “This reveals the presence of water retention, linked to poor functioning of the heart.” underlines the doctor.

Ensuite, facial discoloration : “When the lips are bluish and/or the skin on the face is grayish, this may indicate that there is not enough oxygen circulating in the blood” specifies Dr. Donald Grant.

Several medical examinations make it possible to diagnose heart failure: depending on the symptoms, the general practitioner may prescribe a blood test, an electrocardiogram (ECG) and/or a Doppler echocardiography.

SourceĀ : Daily Mail
