We have been operating on the territory of Serbia for a little longer than two decades. The principle of sustainability is not only a part of our corporate culture – it is also our essence, which we try to include in each of our business processes. We are proud to point out that we are the first bank with an environmental protection management system, and we have adapted all our work processes to sustainable practices.
Environmental protection as a business priority
All banks belonging to the ProCredit Group apply high standards regarding the impact of their business activities on the environment. The internal environmental management system includes monitoring the consumption of energy and other resources in the bank, their planned and systematic reduction, as well as raising awareness among employees and cooperation with “green” suppliers.
We are actively working to reduce our environmental footprint by implementing various measures, including monitoring and measuring CO2 emissions resulting from our business activities. We continuously analyze emissions – such as electricity consumption, heating and vehicle use (Emission Scope 1 and 2) in order to identify areas for improvement and implement effective strategies to reduce emissions. One of the measures refers to increasing the use of renewable electricity by investing in the development of own photovoltaic systems and cooperation with clean energy suppliers.
How far ecological transport will take us
Although ecological transport is still seen as an innovation, it is a concept that many responsible organizations already apply in their business. It is about the use of vehicles and means of transport that emit less gases with the greenhouse effect.
Bearing in mind the negative impact of motor vehicles on the environment, we made the decision to expand our fleet of official vehicles with electric and hybrid cars, and we acquired the first electric car back in 2016.
From 2023, 100 percent of our vehicle fleet will consist of low-emission cars (electric, plug-in hybrid and hybrid vehicles).
As part of our efforts to promote sustainable mobility, we have installed 42 chargers for electric vehicles across Serbia, not only in cities where we have branches but also in key locations such as highways, rest areas and hotels. In this way, we want to provide users with easier access to charging infrastructure.
The free ProCredit Charging Stations mobile app shows the exact location of charging stations and can be very helpful in finding them.
Electric cars bring numerous advantages, both for users and for the environment. They produce significantly less emissions of CO2 and other harmful gases, contribute to the reduction of air pollution, and affect the reduction of noise in urban areas. Also, maintenance costs and electricity consumption are lower compared to traditional vehicles.
Replacing and maintaining our fleet of low-emission vehicles is a continuous process, as we strive to always keep up with the latest technologies and standards of sustainable mobility. As part of this process, this year we offered our employees electric vehicles for sale, which were replaced by new and more advanced models. These vehicles were available at prices significantly lower than market prices, giving our employees the opportunity to become owners of environmentally friendly cars under extremely favorable conditions.
Not only do we actively use official low-emission vehicles, but we also offer our clients special credit lines for the purchase of environmentally friendly vehicles. In cooperation with renowned auto industries, we have provided more favorable financing conditions to facilitate the transition to green mobility.
We will continue to improve our fleet and support customers and partners in the transition to green mobility. Our vision remains the same – responsible and long-term support for initiatives that protect the environment and create a sustainable future. We will continue to support the ecological transition, believing that the transition to environmentally friendly solutions is not only necessary, but also extremely beneficial for generations to come. Our commitment to electromobility is an investment in a better and cleaner world for all of us.
ProCredit Bank
The text was published in To the magazine of the Energy Portal ECOLOGICAL TRANSPORT.
Source: energetskiportal.rs